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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2701 2 Jahr u 9 Monat alt Kassahn, Hedwig Helene Ida (I1184)
2702 2 Jahre 11 Tage alt Lemke, Ernst Alfred Kurt (I6213)
2703 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I403)
2704 2 years, 5 months, 14 days. Daughter of the Büdners Pollnow--assumed to be Georg Friedrich Pollnow (I could not find other records of Pollnows in this time frame within Klein Rambin that would fit. Her birthday would fit perfectly between Georg's other children). Pollnow, Hanne Albertine Karoline (I1153)
2705 2 years, 9 months Neitzel, Anna Christine (I708)
2706 22 years old at the time of marriage.
Born in November according to census records. 
Priebe, Ferdinand Carl Wilhelm (I1298)
2707 22 years old at the time of marriage. Born in July? Maass, Bertha Caroline Henriette (I1296)
2708 23 at the time of marriage. Possibly the incorrect age. Henning, Justine (I4927)
2709 23 Jahre alt. Death certificate lists different parents. Pollnow, Bertha Henriette Albertine (I4153)
2710 23 Tage alt Maass, Wilhelm Carl Johann (I1305)
2711 23 years old Jahnke, Johannes Otto Erdmann (I1160)
2712 23 years old at the time of marriage. Might have been born in Klein Rambin Pollnow, Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine (I4890)
2713 24 June 1793 Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière, cté Kamouraska, Québec, Canada Family F310
2714 24 years old when married to Michael Czechen, Anna (I507)
2715 25 1/2 when married Elert, Sophie Elisabeth (I675)
2716 26 December 1990, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States? Woock, Edna L. (I275)
2717 27 years old when she was married in 1875 Gehrke, Caroline Wilhelmine Marie (I1124)
2718 28 Jahre, 3 Monate. Lost her life from an unlucky fall Dworsken, Catharina Elisabeth (I1444)
2719 28 years old, St Joseph St Rochester. Schramm, Bertha Pauline (I1364)
2720 28 years old, St Joseph St Rochester. Dawurske, Theodore Julius (I1363)
2721 29 at the time of marriage, Jungfrau. Friedrich Müller might have been her brother (1842, his death at age of 23) Müller, Christine Louise Wilhelmine Dorothea (I4162)
2722 3 Jahre alt Gehrke, Otto Julius Richard (I4102)
2723 3 months, five days old Krutzikowskÿ, Elizabeth (I734)
2724 3 Tage alt Bunde, Friederike Albertine Wilhelmine (I4168)
2725 3 years old in April 1881 (also marked 1876) Dawurske, Elisa J. (I1362)
2726 32 years old at the time of marriage Piske, Otto Friedrich Ferdinand (I4891)
2727 32 years old at the time of marriage Rakow, Henriette (I6140)
2728 356 1797 Nr. 17 Fridrich Greinke Anna Eichendorf.jpg

306 1807 Nr. 86 Fridrich Greinke 
Greinke, Fridrich (I3303)
2729 36 years, 11 months, 11 days. Starb am Pocken. Leaves behind the widower and 7 minor children Puttkammer, Henriette Caroline (I5955)
2730 38 - 1792 Nr. 41 Michael Greinke

Nr. 41 -

1. George Lenger
2. Flor???? Greinke
3. Lousia Eickendorf
Marriage - Charlotte Frost

107 - 1853 Michael Grenike.jpg
Nr. 31 -

Mutter Charlotte geb. Frost
5 Kinders
Wilhelmine - B. 1820
Julius - B. 1822 - D.1847
Carl - B. 1826
Caroline B. Aft. 1827
Albert - B. 1829- D.1848
Wilhelm B. 1834
Otto B. Aft 1835 
Greinke, Michael (I3426)
2731 4 Jahre alt, recorded in the Wargen Ostpreussen Kirchenbuch Dewoskÿ, Anne Wilhelmine (I1114)
2732 4 years 9 months old Pooch, Friderike (I3424)
2733 4 years, 4 months, 7 days. Born on April 21, according to assumed birth record. "Caroline Wilhelme Louise." Possibly illegitimate Dewuske, Caroline Wilhelmine Friedricke (I545)
2734 40 Jahre alt Witzkÿ, George Rudolf (I1119)
2735 40 Jahre, 1 Monat, 11 Tage (Gewöhnlen Folge). Left behind her husband and five minor children Saager, Dorothea Maria (I6293)
2736 41 years, 1 month Haeger, Anna Christine (I547)
2737 41/1916 Paul was living in Harburg an der Elbe. She was living in Belgard Family F1925
2738 43 Jahre alt Elert, Ernestine Wilhelmine Auguste (I1284)
2739 43 Jahre alt Fritz, Emilie (I4070)
2740 44 Jahre 2 Monaten am Schlagfluß Dworske, Anna Christina Gottliebe (I1183)
2741 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I525)
2742 46 Jahre 6 Monate 26 Tage Lemke, Albert Johann Friedrich (I498)
2743 48 Jahre 10 Monate (wrong calculation). Left behind her widower and three minor children Vahl, Anna Christina Louisa (I641)
2744 48 years old at time of death, possible son, August Sturm, Seiler Sturm, Gustav Carl Friedrich (I321)
2745 5 Jahre, 3 Monate Jarcke, Christian Ernst (I1478)
2746 5 Living Children 1. August 2. Johanne 3. Albertine 4. Carl 5. Henrich Rempert, Caroline (I3301)
2747 5 years, 4 months Dewuske, Karl Heinrich (I543)
2748 51 y 10 m 11 d Voss, Johann Friedrich (I1526)
2749 51 years at time of marriage to Anna, possibly "Mickael" Derseick, Michael (I542)
2750 51 years old. Owned a house in Swantuss, 4th legitimate son. Died from Hitzige Fieber Millbrath, Ernst Friedrich (I6298)

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