Matches 6,501 to 6,550 of 9,451
# | Notes | Linked to |
6501 | Sartori Memorial Hospital, Cedar Falls | Engel, Louisa Maria Emma (I3085)
6502 | Saulin, Kr. Lauenburg, Pommern | Family F461
6503 | Saulin, Kr. Lauenburg, Pommern | SIMSON, Wilhelm (I1546)
6504 | Sault St. Marie | Handt, Gustave (I2092)
6505 | Sault St. Marie | Handt, Gustave (I2092)
6506 | Schewe? -- Info from T. Runge. | Kühl, Anton Friedrich Wilhelm (I5900)
6507 | Schivelbein. Not yet substantiated as a connection | Ebert, Carl (I5508)
6508 | Schlagfluß. War 2 Mal verheirathet, es lebt die Ehefrau der 2ten Ehe, sowie 2 Kinder ( 1 Sohn und 1 Tochter ) der ersten Ehe, welche noch minoram sind. Die Ehefrau der ersten Ehe ist bereits früher zu Zadtkow verstorben, die 2te und letzte Ehe war kinderlos. | Hoernke, Friedrich Johann Wilhelm (I4171)
6509 | Second Census of the United States, 1800. NARA microfilm publication M32 (52 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. <p> Second Census of the United States, 1800: Population Schedules, Washington County, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio; and Population Census, 1803: Washington County, Ohio. NARA microfilm publication M1804 (1 roll).</p> | Source (S1000496307)
6510 | Second Census of the United States, 1800. NARA microfilm publication M32 (52 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. <p> Second Census of the United States, 1800: Population Schedules, Washington County, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio; and Population Census, 1803: Washington County, Ohio. NARA microfilm publication M1804 (1 roll).</p> | Source (S992935272)
6511 | Second Census of the United States, 1800. NARA microfilm publication M32 (52 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. <p> Second Census of the United States, 1800: Population Schedules, Washington County, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio; and Population Census, 1803: Washington County, Ohio. NARA microfilm publication M1804 (1 roll).</p> | Source (S992935409)
6512 | Second Census of the United States, 1800. NARA microfilm publication M32 (52 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. <p> Second Census of the United States, 1800: Population Schedules, Washington County, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio; and Population Census, 1803: Washington County, Ohio. NARA microfilm publication M1804 (1 roll).</p> | Source (S471805407)
6513 | Second daughter | Otte, Dorothea Louise (I3)
6514 | Second eldest son of John and Caroline, Theodore married Emelia and established his own farm on lots 30 & 31 of concession 23 in Grattan Township. | Tiegs, Theodore (I11)
6515 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F60
6516 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F166
6517 | Second marriage | Family F454
6518 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1528
6519 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1554
6520 | Second marriage | Family F2857
6521 | Second marriage | Family F3686
6522 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1233
6523 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1799
6524 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1269
6525 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1279
6526 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1383
6527 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1564
6528 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F1682
6529 | Second son of his father's second marriage | Zimmerman, Michael Friedrich Gottlieb (I1523)
6530 | Second wife | Family F430
6531 | Second wife | Family F478
6532 | Second wife | Family F3478
6533 | Section 2, Lot 615 | ELBING, Louise (I421)
6534 | Section 2, Lot 615 | FRICKE, Friedrich (I418)
6535 | Section 2, Lot 615 | FRICKE, Albert (I347)
6536 | Section 4, Lot 791 | ROEPKE, August Frederick Carl (I1442)
6537 | Section 4, Lot 822 | FRICKE, Pauline (I330)
6538 | Section 4, Lot 822 | ROEPKE, George William (I388)
6539 | Section 4, Lot 822 | ROEPKE, Lilian Bertha (I359)
6540 | Section 5, Lot 535 | BEDUHN, William (I246)
6541 | Section 5, Lot 535 | ROEPKE, Albertine (I663)
6542 | Section 5, Lot 535 adjacent daughter Albertine Roepke Beduhn | ROEPKE, Wilhelm (I153)
6543 | See cemetery name and location provided with each entry. | Source (S467414412)
6544 | See cemetery name and location provided with each entry. | Source (S469682472)
6545 | See cemetery name and location provided with each entry. | Source (S474112148)
6546 | See cemetery name and location provided with each entry. | Source (S474152396)
6547 | See headstone at | DesMarteau, Magloire (I282509836874)
6548 | See headstone at | DesMarteau, Magloire (I282510553318)
6549 | See hints -- Brazil | Elert, Margarethe Katharina Karolina (I4615)
6550 | See info from Albert's death certificate | Gutknecht, Johann Joachim Gottlieb (I1867)