These are the mortgage and property records for Klötzin in Kreis Belgard. So far as known, no civil or church records survived, making these books exceptionally important. Land owners were listed in chronological order for each parcel of land. Grund- und Hypothekenbuch des [im Schivelbeinschen Kreise gelegenen Dorfes Klötzin b] Klötzin a. Band I Blatt […]

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The Grundsteuer for Klötzin assesses taxable values for the village in Belgard. Names of then current and previous owners are listed with parcel numbers, references to the Flurbuch and Mutterrolle, and how large the property was. Klötzin Gemeinde Grundsteuer (1866-1896) My personal interest in this village is my Gutknecht family. Related? Send me an email!

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