Membership records for the Belgard Schneider Guild can now be found in our Pommern Database. There are two collections that can be found by searching for the source. These are: Mitgleidesbuch der Schneidergesellen Brüderschaft zu Belgard (1773-1856) [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/11] Aufnahmebuch der Schneidergesellenbrüderschaft Belgard 1773-1856 [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/9] Both of these contain similar sets of data. However, it […]

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What is the Pommern Database? I conceived the idea to create this database early in the summer of 2016. At that time, there was no central database for searching. Pieces were fragmented all over the internet. The Pommerscher Greif had not yet introduced their “Quellensuche” to see what vital records are still available. Little by […]

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