Rarfin, Belgard Land Records (Mortgages) – Das Hypotheken-Wesen des Kossäthenhofes No. 5 (Johann Leopold Ehlert)

This book lists the mortgages for the cottager’s property belonging to Johann Leopold Ehlert in Rarfin from July 23, 1821. It was then passed on to the cottager Johann Ehlert on June 6, 1848. The next descendant would be Carl Schlee, who married one of Johann’s daughters. The Elert family was well-known throughout Rarfin, and this document substantiates numerous lineages from the Ziburski family tree without having the actual primary sources at hand. Once again, church records for this time period are not known to still exist.
This document lists vital information for Johan Leopold Elert’s family tree, documenting several generations of land owners who lived on the Kossäthenhof #5 and the hereditary transfer of the property.
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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