Lübchow, Kolberg-Körlin – Land Records (Grundbuch)

The Lübchow Grundbuch sheds light on inhabitants of the village prior to the institution of the civil registry office in 1874. As church records have not survived, this book provides a vital source of information for the landed villagers who lived there.
The beginning of the volume helpfully provides an index to the residents. The first of the eleven property entries in the Grundbuch is for the Schulz and Bauer Johann Gehrke (also spelled Gericke). We also find the Bauer and Gerichtsmann Gottlieb Zander in Lübchow. Other names that appear (but are not limited to) are: Wedig, Neitzke, Reichow, Schumacher, Hackbarth, and Barz. The named Friedrich Barz’s widow, Charlotte Sophie Braun, would eventually be referenced in the 1842 Amtsblatt about her next marriage to the Knecht Karl Gottlieb Mallü.
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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