Kreis Schivelbein – Namenverzeichnis (Directory of Names: Owners from Grundbücher in the Villages)

While researching a clue to my family’s history, I stumbled upon a book that included names from Nelep and ordered it from the Koszalin Archives. Little did I know that the books in this series contain the names of all of the owners from the Grundbücher, including those that have been lost. Although little detail is provided, this collection is a valuable asset for anyone researching their roots in the former Kreis Schivelbein. Please note that this does not include residents who did not own land, such as day laborers and other poor workers.
These books include the villages outside of Schivelbein Stadt, as as such, do not include the owners from the city itself. It appears these lists were compiled from the Grundbücher, of which not all have survived. This is a major advancement for anyone researching their family from the early 1800s. Conveniently, the volume of the Grundbuch and the Blatt number are listed along with the owner, making it easy to determine which families lived together or obtained the land and without needing to photograph every land register.
- Namenverzeichnis von Ankerholz bis Brunow
Includes: Ankerholz, Barenwinkel (and Vorwerke), Balsdrey, Berkenow, Beustrin, Boltenhagen, Botenhagen, Briesen, and Brunow - Namensverzeichnis von Carsbaum bis Göhle
Includes: Carsbaum, Charlottenhof, Clanzig, Wartenberg, Cusenow, Dolgenow, Dohnafelde, Falkenberg, Friedewald, and Göhle - Namenverzeichnis von Grössin bis Kreitzig
Inclues: Grössin, Gumtow, Ilsbruch, Kappe, Kartlow, Klemzow, Klötzin, Klützkow, and Kreitzig - Namenverzeichnis von Nelep bis Pribslaff
Includes: Nelep, Nemmin, Nuthagen, Panzerin, Polchep, and Pribslaff - Namenverzeichnis von Repzin bis Schwarzsee
Includes: Repzin, Ritzig, Rützenhagen, Rützow, Schlenzig, Schwarzsee - Namensverzeichnis von Schlönwitz bis Wussow
Includes: Schlönwitz, Semerow, Simmatzig, Technow, Teschenbusch, Venzlaffshagen, Vierhof, Völzkow, Wartensgenz, Wartenstein, Wopersnow, and Wussow
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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If you're interested, please send an email to [email protected].