Klein Rambin, Belgard – Land Records (Grundakten and Hypothekenwesen)

These books document the history of the villagers in Klein Rambin starting around the early 1800s. These were especially interesting to me, as my family originated in this village. It would seem that Michael Gehrke was the Schulz in Klein Rambin before Ernst Carl Gottlob Weiland (also spelled “Weyland”) took over the role following his death, also marrying his widow who was born Anne Christine Klitzke. It is my opinion that Michael Gehrke must have been closely related to Anna (Christine?) Louise Gehrke, who was married to Johann Pollnow’s son, Georg Friedrich Pollnow. I am also of the belief that the teacher Otto Ferdinand Gehrke in GroĂŸ Rambin must have been closely associated with the Schulz Michael Gehrke because he was mentioned in the Grundakten of the Bauerhof No. 1. Otto Ferdinand Gehrke lived in Dubbertech in 1818, was a Schullehrer in GroĂŸ Rambin in 1825, and was still teaching in 1856 at which time he was 68 years old. He was a solider for eight years during the Napoleonic Wars and was the Taufpate of Luise Dorothea Starke’s child born in Battin in 1825–as he was also married to Friederike Starke (widowed Buchholtz) after being widowed following Marie Sophie Henriette Manke’s death. These books in particular cover the descendants of the Gehrke and Pollnow families and those with whom they associated, like the Lemke family who moved there from Siedkow.
- Das Hypothekenwesen des Hauses No VIII [zu Klein Rambin] Besitzer seit 1. den 8 Januar 1836 der Eigenthumer August Friedrich Wilhelm Gehrke, und denen Ehefrau geboren Raddatz; 2. dem 24 Februar 1863 Stellmacher Wilhelm Lemke
26/142/0/1.2/1448 - Die Parcele in Klein Rambin No 11 [1853-1879] 1881-1933
26/142/0/1.2/1449 - Grundakten betr. Das GrundstĂ¼ck Bd. I Bl. 40 zu Klein Rambin
26/142/0/1.2/1450 - Grundakten betr. den Bauerhof No 1 in Klein Rambin
26/142/0/1.2/1611 - Grundakten betr. die Parzelle Nr. 13 in Klein Rambin [Die Parzelle Nr. 13 in Klein Rambin (1855-1941)]
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