Genealogy of Theodor Carl Hermann Benz from Belgard to Wisconsin

While doing research, I noticed a DNA match on a side that is not in my tree. I traced the immigrating generation back to Pommern from the U.S. and noticed a pattern with some of the names and locations in the tree. I am of the opinion that the connection along this tree is to the name Kaske, as several other people match that surname.
Generation 1 – Benz
Theodor Carl Hermann Benz
Born: August 8, 1858 in Körlin, Kolberg-Körlin
Died: May 10, 1890 in Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin
Another source states that Theodor was born in 1859 in Kolberg.
Married: October 28, 1887 in Rock, Wisconsin
Wilhelmine Wegner
Born: February 23, 1863 in Millford Township, Jefferson, Wisconsin
Died: November 5, 1929 in Rockford, Illinois. Buried in Beloit on November 7.
Generation 2 – Benz
Friedrich Wilhelm Benz
Born: abt. May 25, 1828 possibly in Lenzen, Belgard
Died: abt. May 18, 1876 at sea, six days into crossing the Atlantic to America
Married: May 28, 1854 in Belgard
Caroline Christine Wilhelme Kath
Born: February 2, 1836 in Roggow, Belgard
Died: April 1, 1903 in Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin.
She departed Germany on May 12, 1876.
Generation 3 – Benz
This generation is not supported by paper documents. Currently, only indexes to their existence are mentioned. However, records from the Rheinland seem to prove they lived in the 1870s, long after they should have been dead.
Carl Benz and Friederike Jordan
Generation 2 – Kath
Heinrich Kath
Born: June 11, 1810 in Roggow, Belgard
Died: March 28, 1875
Married: September 18, 1835 in Belgard
He was living in Roggow as a Knecht. Heinrich was later an Eigenthümer in Roggow.
Anna Christine Kaske
Born: August 31, 1817 in Rostin, Belgard
Died: December 2, 1872 in Roggow, Belgard
Her death incorrectly lists her maiden name as “Manke.”
Generation 3 – Kath
Christoph Kath
Born: abt. August 1770
Died: February 19, 1820 in Roggow, Belgard
He was a Hirt (shepherd, or more distinctly, a herdsman) in Roggow.
Maria Elisabeth Süring
Born: Juni 1772, possibly in Roggow
Died: February 14, 1830 in Roggow
She was also known as Maria Syring
Generation 3 – Kaske
Friedrich Kaske
Born: abt. July 1784 in Rostin
Died: February 28, 1852 in Roggow
Birth is assumed to be in Rostin. He was a Bauer in Rostin.
Sophia Elisabeth Runge
Born: abt. June 1786
Died: August 21, 1843 in Roggow (Buried August 24)
Sophie died from Wassersucht (dropsy or edema)