Alt and Neu Damerow, Stolp – Land Records (Grundbücher)

It is with great pleasure that I am able to share for the first time the land register books of Alt Damerow in Kreis Stolp. These mortgage and land deeds go back to the early 1800s and chronicle the history of the and and its owners, also occasionally bringing to light any inheritance matters, and most certainly detailing the amount paid for the land and by whom.
- Grundbuch Book 1 Entries 01-19 (Hypothekenbuch)
- Grundbuch Book 19-1 Entries 01-59
- Grundbuch Book 19-2 Entries 60-93
- Grundbuch Book 19-3 Entries 94-127
For those wondering about the signatures and which books these are please refer to the Słupsk branch of the Koszalin Archives finding aid material listed below:
367 13 A1 Hypothekenbuch von Alt Damerow, T. 1, Bl. 1-19 1769 1879 1943
367 14 A1 Hypothekenbuch von Alt Damerow, T. 19/1, Bl. 1-59 1840 1879 1937
367 15 A1 Hypothekenbuch von Alt Damerow, T. 19/2, Bl. 60-93 1855 1879 1941
367 16 A1 Grundbuch von Alt Damerow, T. 19/3, Bl. 94-127 1860 1879 1936
It would appear that 367 #13 is split into two sections: Alt und Neu Damerow. It is also my suspicion that this Grundbuch is separate from any subsequent listing for mortgages in Neu Damerow.
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