Belgard Guilds – Mitgleidesbuch der Schneidergesellen Brüderschaft zu Belgard (1773-1856)

Membership records for the Belgard Schneider Guild can now be found in our Pommern Database. There are two collections that can be found by searching for the source. These are:
- Mitgleidesbuch der Schneidergesellen Brüderschaft zu Belgard (1773-1856) [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/11]
- Aufnahmebuch der Schneidergesellenbrüderschaft Belgard 1773-1856 [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/9]
Both of these contain similar sets of data. However, it appears that the “Aufnahmebuch” is a transcription of the actual membership book and contains alternate spellings of names and places. Each of these is a name index (Namenverzeichnis) of journeymen tailors who were accepted into the guild. Occasionally, names of master craftsmen can be observed signing the registry.
Hopefully, these records can help others find relatives as an alternative source for genealogy. Unfortunately, no vital information is given about the persons concerned. Places of birth are listed, however, ranging from Saxony to Austria and Danzig. Who knew people migrated so far for a job?
This collection has been transcribed and is fully searchable through the Pommern Database.