Daniel Friedrich Hermann Kaske from Alt Lülfitz

Another one of my DNA matches led me back to Pommern with the name Kaske. Hopefully this historic family tree can help others as well.
This study traces the lineage of Daniel Frederick Hermann Kaske, who was born Alt Lülfitz, Belgard and died in Spink, South Dakota. He was a blacksmith who immigrated to the United States around 1854, first residing in Chicago, Illinois. Daniel was married to Magdalena Müller. The 1870 census erroneously spelled the name “Kuski.” Likewise, his name was spelled “Kaski” on the 1880 census. After his wife’s death on November 30, 1881 (then spelled “Kaska”), he would move his family to South Dakota around 1884.
Interestingly enough, one of ancestors of Augusta C. Kaske (married Goellen) appears to be genetically related to the one of the Wendt ancestors. It is also possible that the Kaske and Kath family trees intersect with the Kaske family tree here.
A Brief History of the Family Origins in Belgard
One of the oldest sources of history for Pomeranian surnames is the Hufenklassifikation of Hinterpommern from 1717. Here, the spelling “Kaske” is only found in Hohenborn, Kreis Köslin (at one time, Kreis Bublitz). Christian Karßke was a Bauer on 3/4 Hufen in Alt Lülfitz. He is likely the root ancestor of the family tree for all other Kaskes in Alt Lülfitz.
Michel Karske was a Kossät on 1/4 Hufen in Klein Panknin, nearby to Alt Lülfitz and whom I assume to be in relation to Christian Karßke.
The Separationrezess der Dorfschaft Lülwitz from May 29, 1789 lists “Karske” as an earlier derivative of the name for some of the individuals who are to follow. The title page shows several members of the Karske family: David Karske, a Gerichtsmann; and Christian Karske. The signatory page from October 16, 1786 shows David, Christian, and Friedrich Karscke.
It is likely the “r” was softly spoken and dropped over time.
Early Mentions of the Kaske Surname in the Belgard Church Book
It seems that the Kaskes were a farming family in Lülfitz. Aside from the grandfather of the subject of this study, Christian Kaske, many others were known to farm in Lülfitz. It is my speculation that a few family members may have married distant cousins to keep the property in the family; although, at that time, the nobles were under no obligation to ensure inheritable rights from family members.
- Christoph Kaske, Bauer in Lülfitz, Maria Elisabeth Krause had Christoph Kaske on January 27, 1803.
- Daniel Krüger, Bauer in Lülfitz, and Maria Elisabeth Kasken had Christoph Krüger on July 14, 1803.
- Christoph Stieg, Bauer in Lülfitz, and Katharina Kasken had Christian Friedrich on July 30, 1803.
- Friedrich Kaske, Bauer in Lülfitz, and Christina Kaske had Christian Friedrich Kaske on November 15, 1803.
- Heinrich Baller, Bauer in Lülfitz, and Anna Maria Kaske had Martin Baller on April 26, 1807.
- David Maaß, Bauer in Lülfitz, and Maria Kasken had Christine Wilhelmine Maaß on October 16, 1808.
- Anna Christine Kaske, from Lülfitz, had Wilhelmine Kaske out of wedlock on February 18, 1813.
- A Christian Kaske, Bauer in Lülfitz, died on August 17, 1818 at the age of 77 years and 9 months old (placing his birth around December of 1840).
- David Kaske, Altbauer, died in Lülfitz on April 1, 1829 at the age of 83 years and 1 month old (placing his birth around March of 1746). I believe he is the Gerichtsmann mentioned in the Separationrezess der Dorfschaft Lülwitz.
- Anna Sophia Born, wife of the Bauer Kaske in Lülfitz, died on August 20, 1812 at the age of 71 years and 2 months old.
There were also several other people named Christian Kaske who were registered during the same time period in Sankt Marien’s church in Belgard:
- Christian Kaske, Bauer in Lülfitz, and Anna Christina Baller(s), had Christian Kaske on November 8, 1803.
- Christian Kaske, Bauer in Rostin, and Eleonore Krüger (Bauerwittwe, died March 22, 1839 in Rostin at the age of 65 years, 11 months, and 20 days).
- Christian David Kaske, Altsitzer and Bauer in Klein Panknin, and Anna Regine Bloedorn. Christian David Kaske died on September 8, 1838 at the age of 63.
Generation 1 – Kaske
Daniel Friedrich Hermann Kaske
Born: March 17, 1827 in Lülfitz, Belgard, Pommern
Died: September 20, 1913 in Spink, South Dakota
He immigrated to the United States around 1854, living in Illinois and South Dakota. He was known by Daniel and Friedrich in most records, with Fred being more commonly used.
Records indicate that he married Magdalena Mueller, who was born in Bayern, Germany. She died in Chicago on November 30, 1881 at the age of 41 and was buried in Graceland Cemetery.
Together, they had the following known children:
- Fred A. L. Kaske, born 1865 and died March 25, 1955 in Crandon, Spink, South Dakota.
- Augusta C. Kaske, born abt. 1866 and died August 1, 1940 in Spink, South Dakoa. She married Matthias Goellen.
They had the following children:- Alvin Albert Goellen, born February 17, 1888 in Spink, South Dakota. He married Olive Tooker on December 24, 1909 in Spink, South Dakota. He died in August of 1967. His parents lived with him in 1940.
- Fredrick Arthur Goellen, born January 15, 1889 in Spink, South Dakota and died April 3, 1972, buried in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was married to Ella Catherine Noll.
- Walter Goellen, born 1892 and died 1893 in Spink, South Dakota.
- Edward Carl Goellen, born December 25, 1897 in Spink, South Dakota. He was married to Mary Blanche Roney, whose family was from Ireland. He died on October 5, 1980 in Itasca, Minnesota.
- Edward Kaske, born February 2, 1870 and died December 3, 1898 in Crandon, Spink, South Dakota.
- Lydia M. Kaske, born Octobter 10, 1874 in Chicago, Illinois and died February 6, 1962 in Redfield, Spink, South Dakota. Her obituary incorrectly lists her birth year as 1874. Her mother is listed as “Anna Liepitz,” which is peculiar because Magdalena Müller appears as Daniel Friedrich Hermann’s husband on both the 1870 and 1880 census. She lived with Fred and Henry in 1930.
- Henry Bernard Kaske, born January 17, 1879 in Chicago, Illinois and died March 3, 1952 in Spink, South Dakota.
It is possible other children were born between but may have died prior to the 1880 census.
Of these branches, Augusta appears to be the only one with a surviving progeny.
Generation 2 – Kaske
David Kaske
Born: December 30, 1801 in Lülfitz, Belgard
Died: January 30, 1827 in Lülfitz, Belgard at the age of 25 years old.
Important notes: this is not the same person as David Wilhelm Kaske who was born on May 12, 1802. Other sources have indicated that this family line comes from David Wilhelm Kaske. However, that information is not correct.
Married to: Christine Maria Jastrow
No further information about her. They had one known child before David died.
Generation 3 – Kaske
Christian Kaske
Born: abt. January 1766
Died: July 27, 1849 in Alt Lülfitz, Belgard at the age of 83 years and 6 months old. He died of old age (Altersschwäche) and was buried on July 30, leaving behind two sons of legal age.
He was an Einwohner in Lülfitz, and a Büdner and Eigenthümer according to his wife’s death entry.
He was married to:
Dorothea Elisabeth Krüger
Born: abt. July 1766
Died: January 24, 1846 in Alt Lülfitz at the age of 79 years and 6 months old. She was buried on January 27.
Together, they had the following children:
- Friedrich Kaske, born October 8, 1799 in Lülfitz.
- David Kaske, born December 30, 1801 in Lülfitz.
- Maria Elisabeth Kaske born April 23, 1805 in Lülfitz.
- Christina Kaske, born June 1, 1809 in Lülfitz.