Gülzow Guilds – Schneider Gesellenbuch (1825-1932)

This book belongs to the Schneider guild in Gülzow, Cammin and records journeymen within the guild from 1825 to 1932. It is an important source for family history since all of the church books have been lost or destroyed, including the civil registry which began in 1874. Not all of the members of the guild came from Gülzow, but we can understand who came from the general area and who moved in as journeymen from these records.
Some surnames that can be found in this book are: Bartelt, Bernhardt, Burow, Colberg, Erlich, Heidenreich, Kreshin, Lübcke, Prey, Strege, Wegener, Wilke, and Will. Further inspection of this book is certain to turn up more.
To make it easier to understand where journeymen from the area came from, I have combined three maps found online to give a better impression of what villages surrounded the guild. The distance between Gülzow and Bock is approximately 7 kilometers if walking straight along the path through Klemmen and Klötzin. Treichel seems to be an especially popular town mentioned in the book as a place where people were either born in or came from.
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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