Krampe Standesamt (Civil Registry) Online

The Standesamt for Krampe in Stolp served the communities of Deutsch Plassow, Gumbin, Krampe, and Stantin. These communities were directly south of the city of Stolp.
Currently, we have these documents available for viewing through our online portal (click on Stolp>>Krampe):
Some names found in this set of records are, but not limited to:
Adam, Albrecht, Blank, Breÿer, Brok, Buchert, Damaschke, Dumke, Groth, Hermann, Hildebrand, Hübner, Jass, Klemann, Krüger, Kuschel, Lubes, Metger, Musisch, Neitzel, Papenfuss, Papke, Podjadke, Quadde, Reck, Schindel, Schulz, Schwarz, Slannke, Villnow, Zilske