Landsberg an der Warthe Kirchenbuch – Concordienkirche

These book cover the Concordienkirche (Konkordienkirche) in Landsberg an der Warthe, for births and marriages. The books in the archives begin in 1812 and continue through 1874. They were obtained in person and with permission of the archives in Gorzów Wielkopolski. Due to the regulations concerning daily limits, I was only able to photograph the oldest two books. The other two in the series are listed for clarity, but are not currently available in our collection.
- Geborne und Copulierte in der Gemeinde der Concordien Kirche (1812-1831)
- Geborne und Copulierte in der Gemeinde der Concordien Kirche (1832-1846)
- Concordienkirche 1847-1869
- Concordienkirche 1870-1874 (includes deaths)
Upon further inspection, the Concordienkirche appears to be a reformed Lutheran community. With the exception of the last book in the series, no death records for this parish seem to exist. However, there are at least eight other books concerning this church that might offer more insight into the church community.
These records are available for free, and you may use them for your own personal research. They may not be re-posted on another website or used for monetary gain.
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