Natztow, Belgard – Land Records (Das Grundstück Bd. I Bl. 5)

This document pertains to the parcel from the Grundbuch, volume I entry number 5. The beginning opens up with an Erbhöferolle for the Halbbauerhof for the inheritable family Schellong. The pages following describe the fifth entry in the Grundbuch, third partition, number 10, beginning with a mortgage document concerning the Fleischermeister Bernhard Wendt. From these pages, it seems that the property also shared its border with the community of Garchen. From this, it is clear that Grundbuch entry number 6 had a Kossätenhof and a Hausgarten. To both of the properties, Landwirt Franz Krüger appears as the owner. Additional pages denote Wihelm Friedrich Ferdinand Krüger with his wife, Emilie Strenske, as owners. These beginning pages list property descriptions and with parcels were owned. This mortgage originated in 1913 and 1914 for 4,000 Marks, then equivalent to 1,000 Goldmarks. The Rentier Hugo Haeger from Körlin is mentioned in 1920 concerning the mortgage.
- Das Grundstück Bd. I Bl. 5 zu Natztow (the Koszalin Archives incorrectly indexed it as
An older section of the book from 1844 makes note of these Bauernhofe:
- Besitzer Schulz Chr: Daugs
- Besitzer Friedrich Dummer
- Besitzer Christoph Krüger
- Besitzer Christian Krüger
Within this section, a Herr Noeske is referenced. Elizabeth Barz, née Voigt is listed in Bauernhof number 6.
In 1845, it is mentioned that the Bauer Christian Krüger has already been with his wife, Dorothea Marie Wickboldt, for 30 years, as provided by a copy of the marriage certificate by Prediger Plaensdorf in Rarfin. Charlotte Loise Krüger, who was 20 years old in 1845, is mentioned on the same page as his step-daughter. Further pages indicate that Dorothea was first married and widowed to Ernst Christoph Krüger, and she was married to Christian on December 4, 1818 (thus further highlighting the importance land records play as secondary sources to vital records). Charlotte Louise Krüger is also mentioned with Albert Fitzlaff in 1845. When Christian Krüger died, it is shown that there was 110 Thalers to Charlotte Louise, though this appears to be the purchase price for his land and the selling contract. It also appears that he claimed Dorothea’s children from her first marriage as his own in the second marriage.
Later pages describe Christian Krüger’s son, Christian Friedrich. The Nagelschmidt Daniel Friedrich Krüger is also named. Christian Friedrich Haeger is named in this section of the contract. It appears that Christian Friedrich Krüger assumed ownership in 1851. His wife is later named as Sophie Christine Marie Pagel while their son, the Oeconomen Wilhelm Friedrich Ferdinand Krüger, is denoted below her. Wilhelm’s wife was Emilie Strenske.
This is the information provided up until image DSC_0155.jpg. More detailed information concerning the transfer and ownership of the property can be read for another 250 double-sided pages.
Other facts observed:
Sophie Pagel was born in Garchen to Daniel Pagel and Sophie Maaß, dying in Natztow on January 17, 1899 at the age of 72. The Altsitzer Christian Friedrich Krüger was born on September 26, 1822 in Natztow, and it was denoted that his father was Christoph Krüger, the Bauer in Natztow who was married to Dorothea Wickboldt. This confuses this timeline of when Christoph died and Christian married Dorothea Wickboldt. He died in Natztow on December 19, 1888. Wilhelm’s marriage certificate is also attached. Franz Krüger is mentioned as their son who took over the farm. Further details about the property are noted at great length. More vital certificates and property tax records succeed earlier pages. Rudolf Schellong and Margarete Greinke from Groß Panknin were entered into the first volume of the land register for numbers 5 and 6 under the second partition of numbers 12 and 16.
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