Pommern Facebook Groups

Looking for ways to connect with others who are researching in the same territories as you? Several Facebook groups currently exist for Pommern, and new ones seem to be cropping up more frequently. Here are just the ones we know about currently:
Kolberger Lande is a dual-language English/German forum with representatives from both sides of the globe.
Ahnenforschung im ehemaligen Kreis Belgard-Schivelbein serves both Belgard and the former Kreis Schivelbein territories.
Der Kreis Lauenburg in Pommern looking for Kaschubian heritage or just researching the area? This group boasts over a 100 members as of the time of this posting and seem to be quite active in their research.
Ahnenforschung im ehemaligen Kreis Regenwalde (Pommern) at the time of this publication, this group is extremely small, but shows promise for others wishing to connect with others in Regenwalde.
Erinnerungen an den Kreis Bütow in Pommern – Dawny Bytów this group is also very small, but shows promise for those researching Kreis Bütow.
Ahnenforschung in und um Arnswalde this small group represents Kreis Arnswalde, which may be of interest to those researching in former Neumark territory as well.
Saatziger-Freunde the Kreis close to Stargard, Saatzig was once in the southern part of Pommern.
Familienforschung im ehemaligen Pommern/ Genealogy in Pomerania this group is for Pommern in general.
Die Pommern in Deutschland und in Brasilien did you know that there’s a large number of Pomeranians in Brazil who are searching for their relatives as well?
Pomeranian/American Genealogy is specifically for people researching their ancestral roots from North America.
Stolpmünde this is a large Facebook group for those researching the territory at the mouth of the Stolpe River.
Prussian Genealogy is a very active group for anyone researching in the larger Prussian Empire. This group is great for those with questions about specific time periods, border changes, professions, and other general inquiries not tied to a specific Kreis.
Ostpreußen / Westpreußen/ Pommern focuses more closely on the general area around Pomerania–former Eastern Prussian territories including East and West Prussia.
Genealogy East and Westprussia-Pommern-Silesia is a shoot-off group from Prussian Genealogy. They are not affiliated with each other in any regard. The admin is helpful, but be aware that he does genealogy work for a price.
Wisconsin Genealogy Network is not related to any Pomeranian research groups. However, a large number of its members have roots in Pommern. Who knows? You might make a new connection.
Are you aware of other Facebook groups that can help fellow researchers? Please send links to [email protected]. They will be updated to our “Groups” page.