Randow Emigration Records

These are the emigration records from Kreis Randow. Please note that other books coinciding with Stettin and Saatzig might further contain some of the information one might be searching for, in consideration of the various boundary and jurisdictional changes that happened in this area. The books that are online are linked and bolded in the list below.
For more information about what types of information can be found in these books, please refer to the article on Kolberg’s emigration books.
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow. (1868-1872) [65/92/0/1.163/I/9797]
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow. (1872-1879) [65/92/0/1.163/I/9798]
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow. (1879-1881) [65/92/0/1.163/I/9799]
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow. (1881-1882) [65/92/0/1.23/I/9800]
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow. (1882-1886) [65/92/0/1.163/I/9801]
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow. (1886-1888) [65/92/0/1.163/I/9802]
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow. (1888-1893) [65/92/0/1.163/I/9803]
- Auswanderungen nach Nord Amerika Kreis Randow und Stadtkreis Stettin. (1894-1910) [65/92/0/1.163/I/9804]
Want to help get the rest of this collection online? Please consider making a gift through our GoFundMe to help fund the rest of this project. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this continued effort! Your generosity helps thousands of researchers access these collections for free.
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
Help us make these records more accessible for researchers worldwide. If you can read old script, we would love your help to make the entries in these books searchable. Please consider donating your time, even if it's just for a few pages. (We also use Google Sheets so you can see where the last person left off and where the work needs to be continued!)
If you're interested, please send an email to [email protected].