Rarfin, Belgard – Land Records (Mortgages) – Das Hypotheken-Wesen des Bauerhofes No. 3

This is the mortgage register for the Gerichtsmann Johann Voigt and his wife Abigail Perleberg in Rarfin from July 23, 1821 as the owner of the Bauerhof #3. Subsequently, the book contains documents relating to his son, the Bauer, Christian Friedrich Voigt with his wife Ernestine Radünz on February 22, 1842.
The document begins with the Erbhöferolle from the Nazi time and enters into the original mortgage agreements and attached documentation, listing family members. Some of the pages mention a Schulz named Perleberg. There are tax documents and mortgage letters. Altogether, this book is a fantastic resource for filling in the gaps, as no church books have survived for Rarfin’s parish. Because the document lists the inheritable transfer of land, one can use these pages in correlation with the other land registers from Rarfin and other indexed data to rebuild the family trees.
It is also important to note that cross-references within this book can be traced to other documents from Rarfin as well. One interesting feature of this book appears to be a document by Friedrich Voigt through a law firm against Carl Ehlert in Podewils. Around this section of the document are liquidations, receipts, and erasures of debt.
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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