Searching Through Records Collections: A Crash Course

Where do I go? Where should I look? Do records still exist for ______ village that my family came from?
Have you wondered how and where to explore Pomeranian records? Not sure what still exists and want to see how to find out? Watch this video to get a basic understanding of where to look and different techniques to try to find record sets to fill in for vital records.
In this video, I give a high-level overview of the different resources you can use to discover more about your family history. You’ll find everything from the basic German and Polish websites to indexes, OFBs, and records portals. I briefly touch on the main archives for Pomeranian records and where to look for most of them. As a special note, you should go to and sign up for an account. Then, join their Facebook group for announcements and request to be able to see their “New” folder that’s only accessible to members (don’t worry–it’s free!)
If you’ve wondered how I find books on Szukaj w Archiwach, stay tuned until the end of the video. I show several example searches and how I navigate through collections and fonds. In many cases, the records you are searching for are not online.
This was more of an impromptu “part two” of my land records presentation for Die Pommerschen Leute today, and designed to give a little more information that people might want to know following the information from that presentation. (More or less the “what do I do with what I learned, and where do I look?” questions.)