Zietlow, Belgard – Land Records (Grundbücher)

The two books in the series are a little different than most I’ve come across. A number of the earlier land registers contain the same information as that found in the first book for Zietlow. However, in this case, the book was labeled as a mortgages book rather than a Grundbuch. As such, it would appear that only the second volume of the Grundbücher survived; in my personal opinion, that is not the case. The first volume was labeled instead as a Hypothekenbuch but contains all of the entries necessary for it to have been the first book in the series of Grundbücher. This fact emphasizes the importance of searching through all land records for an ancestor’s village, as the documents can be listed underneath alternative titles that might not seem to be within the scope of the genealogist’s research. (For more information on this, please see the posts for the nearby village of Rarfin. The Erbhof documents for Rarfin exemplify how missing Grundbücher can sometimes be embedded in other files.)
- Hypothekenbuch von denen in dem Gute Zietlow Belgardschen Kreises belegenen 3. Bauerhofen und 1. Kossaetenhofe sowie der neuen Mühle Band I Blatt 1-8
- Grundbuch Volume 2
The first volume covers three farmsteads and one cottager’s property. Some surnames that can be observed within entries for the original owners are: Voelz, Voigt, Brandt, Westphal, Meÿer, Schrubbe, Matthias (or Matties), Müller, Dassow, and Block.
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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