Arnhausen, Belgard – Kirchenbuch (Church Book) (1824-1848)

The church book for Arnhausen covers the years 1824-1848 with many gaps in-between. After 1825, many years go missing for the smaller communities, but remain for the villages of Battin, Arnhausen, and Heide. Around 1841, records continue. This is probably due to the church keeping books separate for each village during that period. Births, marriages, and deaths are included with the usual details, like godparents, fathers of the bride, and causes of death.
The church records for Arnhausen concern the following communities: Arnhausen, Battin, Glötzin, Groß Rambin, Klein Rambin, Langen, Retzin, Röhlshof and Zwirnitz, in addition to smaller communities like Carlsruh.
Names found in this book include but are not limited to:
Abel, Adam, Altenburg, Arndt, Backholz, Barüske, Barz, Batzke, Becker, Bergmann, Bessert, Bielke, Blank, Block, Blödorn, Bohm, Bonin, Borchardt, Böttcher, Brand, Brandt, Brass, Brenner, Brumm, Bruns, Brüske, Bublitz, Bumke, Bunde, Buske, Carl, Daberkow, Dahlke, Dahmits, Dallmann, Dassow, Daugs, Dickmann, Dierich, Diske, Doege, Dorow, Döske, Draeger, Drewlow, Drews, Dröse, Dübull, Dumke, Ebner, Elitt, Engel, Erdmann, Erdmuth, Fabian, Fenner/Finner, Fenzsky, Fink, Fischer, Fleischfresser/Fleishfresser, Flemming, Flosch, Frädrich, Frank, Frantz, Fritz, Fromming, Garske, Gatzke, Gehrke, Gerth, Geske, Giese, Götsch, Graunke, Griep, Griesbach, Gripp, Groling, Grossklogs, Grützmann, Guhse, Günter, Gutknecht, Gutterlieb, Gutz/Guts, Hackbarth, Hahn, Hamann, Hammermeister, Harmel, Harp, Hart/Hardt, Hasenjager, Hass/Hash/Haß, Hasselmann, Haut, Havemann, Heller, Henning, Hensel, Hesse, Holz, Isberner, Jahn, Jandt, Junge, Kaddatz, Kajath, Kammholz, Kanzmann, Kaske, Kath, Ketelhaut, Klabunde, Kleinschmidt, Klitzke, Klotz, Klug, Knain, Knopp, Knuth, Koenig, Kohls, Korn, Krahn, Kreitlow, Krüger, Kumaul, Kuz, Labes, Last, Lehmann, Leitzke, Lemke, Liskow, Litzkow, Lück, Lüdtke, Lütke, Maas/Maass, Manske, Manteuffel, Marburg, Marquardt, Maske, Matthias, Mebs, Meier, Michaelis, Milarch, Milbratz, Mitz, Moldenhauer, Müller, Mund, Müse, Müseler, Nähring, Naß, Neitzel, Neitzke, Neske, Neubart, Neuenfeld, Neumann, Nicolaus, Nitz, Oldenburg, Österreich , Ott, Ottmann, Otto, Pagel, Pagenkop, Papke, Pergande, Petzke, Pick, Pieper, Piske, Pittelkow, Plantikow, Plaster, Pollatz, Pollnow, Pommerening, Ponack, Potratz, Priebe, Prochnow, Raatz, Raddatz, Radiske, Radoll, Radtke, Radünz, Rampstun, Ramthun, Raschke, Ratzlaff, Raube, Rauch, Reich, Remter, Rietzke, Ristow, Roeder, Röglin, Röhl, Romig, Röpke, Rueckert, Runge, Ruschke/Ruske, Rutsatz, Sampf, Schaffert, Scharr, Schellin, Schimmelpfennig, Schlesener, Schlin, Schmidt, Schneider, Schroeder, Schulz, Schumacher/Schuhmacher, Schünkel, Schwanken, Schwanz, Schwengel, Sell , Siegert, Sommer, Sonnenburg, Sponholz, Stahnke, Steffenhagen, Steinke, Steinnert, Strei, Strelow, Sumpf, Tech, Tessman, Thom, Thurow/Turow, Timm, Tings, Trapp, Traugott, Treptow, Tribeß, Utech, Venzke, Viebranz, Voelz/Völz, Vogt, von Bonin, von Borcke, von Hagen, von Kleist, von Mullenthin, von Solbe, von Treskow, von Treskow, von Zschocke, Wachholz, Wachs, Wallow, Wendt, Westphal, Wetzel, Wiesener, Winkel, Wohlgemuth, Wulf, Zelske, Ziebell, Ziemer, Zietlow, Zimmermann, Zinke, Zitzke, Züge, Zulanger, and Zwemke
Currently, pages 565 to 568 are missing from our collection. We are waiting for the book to be returned from restoration, which has been removed from circulation for over a year from the date of this post.