Descendants and Family of Friedrich Neitzel from Alt Lülfitz, Belgard

A Herding Family from Belgard – A Connection to My Family
The Neitzel family shares a concrete connection with my fourth great-grandfather. His daughter married into the family of Friedrich Neitzel and Christine Louise Becker of Lülfitz, Belgard (before it became Alt and Neu Lülfitz). Friedrich was born sometime around 1768, taking the profession of Hirt and Arbeiter, or a herdsman and a worker.
Being a Hirt was a lowlier profession than being a Schäfer, or a shepherd. As Ordinary Prussians intimates, shepherds who were seigneurially employed were in much better shape than their other counterparts. Shepherds tended to have a little more luck staying employed in one place than did herdsmen; these lived more nomadic lifestyles, traveling from place to place seeking contract employment. From my best understanding, these contracts typically lasted about two years, which would explain the gaps in church books for vital records. While they were technically free men, the protection and services provided by nobles to the land-indentured farmers sometimes outweighed freedom.
Such was the life of herdsmen in Belgard. It is no surprise that my relatives from Groß Panknin were in some way connected with the Neitzel family from Alt Lülfitz; both families must have run in the same circles for herding animals. What follows here is an extensive history of the Neitzels and their descendants. My hope is to make a connection with someone else in the family, as I only share the DNA from my surname, as my fourth great-grandfather remarried after his first wife died. If I can somehow find a living relative willing to see how our Ancestry DNA lines up, I might be able to discover more precisely where my surname originated from before Belgard. Perhaps my work can help somebody else make connections of their own and further their own genealogy.
The Descendants of Friedrich Neitzel and Christine Louise Becker
Friedrich Neitzel born abt. 1768. He died 10 Dec 1831 in Alt Lülfitz.
oo Christine Louise Becker (widowed Benzen) most likely married around 1810. Marriage records for the parish do not begin until the mid-1830s. She was born abt. 1777. Louise died 25 May 1846 in Neu Lülfitz.
- Daniel Gottlieb Neitzel illegitimately born on 25 Aug 1809 in Alt Lülfitz to Louise. He must have been claimed by Carl Wilhelm Neitzel shortly after his birth, though the details are not written in the margins of the Belgard church book. By the time he was married, he can be observed using his father’s surname. He was an Einwohner and an Altsitzer, dying 07 Mar 1884 in Groß Panknin.
oo Dorothea Sophie Henriette Drawanz born abt. 1802 in Dubberow, Belgard, and was the daughter of Michael Drawanz who was still living in 1831. She was first married to and then divorced from a König before 1831. She married Daniel Gottlieb Neitzel on 05 Apr 1831 in Belgard. They would live in Alt Lülfitz during that time, later moving to Groß Panknin. Henriette died 23 May 1869 in Groß Panknin and was buried 27 May 1869 according to the Belgard church book.- Marie Caroline Wilhelmine Neitzel born 24 Nov 1833 in Lülfitz, Belgard.
- Ulrike Florentine Neitzel born 01 Nov 1835 in Lülfitz. She died at the young age of 34 on 18 May 1870 in Köslin, Pommern and was buried on 22 May 1870.
oo Carl Ludwig Zemke They were married 11 Feb 1866 in Belgard. He was from Belgard. She was from Groß Panknin. He was born 16 Nov 1838 in Vorwerk, Belgard and was one of nine children from Joachim Friedrich Zemke and Dorothea Friederike Krüger’s family. (Notes about this union indicate: Schäfer 1833 in Uhlenburg, 1838 in Vorwerk, 1843 in Roggow, 1844 in Uhlenburg, bis 1850 in Pustchow, 1851 Büdner in Kösternitz (Hasenwinkel), 1858 in Belgard, zuletzt als Invalide. He was born abt. 1800 and died after 1866. The wife was born abt. 1805 and died from cholera on 17 Sep 1866 in Belgard. She was buried 16 Sep 1872. - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Neitzel born 22 Oct 1840 in Neu Lülfitz and was baptized 08 Nov 1840 in Belgard. He, like his father, was an Eigenthümer and an Altsitzer. He died 14 Jun 1914 in Groß Panknin in house #23.
oo Florentine Wilhelmine Sophie Reichow married abt 1868 according to a FamilySearch tree. She was supposedly born in 1845 in Groß Panknin, though the actual birth record has yet to be found.- A Baby Girl was born and died 15 Jun 1870 in Groß Panknin. She only lived four hours.
- Franz Friedrich Wilhelm Neitzel born 24 Jul 1872 in Groß Panknin.
- Hermann Otto Carl Neitzel born 23 Nov 1873 in Groß Panknin and was baptized 07 Dec 1873 in Belgard. Hermann was still living in 1914 when he witnessed his father’s death, also indicating that the former was a Bauerhofbesitzer.
- A Baby Boy was born and died during childbirth on 23 Nov 1875 in Groß Panknin.
- Olga Bertha Ulrike Neitzel born 16 Jan 1877 in Groß Panknin. She was a twin, later called “Olga Ulrike Mathilde Neitzel” in 1905.
oo Hermann August Gustav Thurow married 13 Nov 1902 according to the Roggow Standesamt. He was a Bauerhofbesiter, born 09 May 1875 in Podewils to Friedrich Wilhelm Thurow and Bertha Henriette Friedrike Gutknecht.- Charlotte Rosalinde Elfriede Florentine Bertha Thurow born 09 Sep 1903 in Podewils, Belgard.
- Herbert Carl Reinhold Thurow born 21 Jan 1905 in Podewils.
- Adda Gerta Alice Thurow born 02 Jan 1907 in Podewils.
- Elise Ottilie Wilhelmine Neitzel born 16 Jan 1877 in Groß Panknin.
- Wilhelmine Henriette Neitzel born 17 Jan 1843 in Neu Lülfitz and was baptized 29 Jan 1843 in Belgard.
oo Heinrich Julius Fick married 06 May 1866 in Belgard. He was from from the city of Belgard while she was living in Groß Panknin. He was born abt. 1839. His marriage entry lists an alternate spelling: “Vick.” (Possible birth: 30 Jan 1839 Baptism Date: 10 Feb 1839 Kratzig Koeslin, Pommern, Prussia. Father: Christlieb Vick, Mother: Charlotte Zubcken FHL Film Number: 896089. However, this information has not been verified, though several godparents seemed to have come from Köslin.) He was known by a number of professional names throughout his life: Eigenthümersohn, Handknecht, Handdiener, Eigenthümer, and Ackerbürger.- Bertha Pauline Marie Neitzel of illegitimate birth on 27 Mar 1865 in Groß Panknin and was baptized into the Lutheran faith on 01 Apr 1865 in Belgard Stadt.
- August Carl Julius Fick born 19 Jul 1867 and baptized 28 Jul 1867 in Belgard.
- Franz Heinrich Carl Fick born 08 Aug 1871 baptized 27 Aug 1871 in Belgard.
- Paul Wilhelm Otto Fick born 03 Mar 1874 and baptized 03 Apr 1874 in Belgard. He died 16 Aug 1874 of “Zahnkrämpfe,” which literally means “toothaches” or “teething convulsions.” He was buried 19 Aug 1874 in Belgard.
- Max Emil Otto Fick born 04 Dec 1879 in Belgard. He legally changed his surname to “Falk” on May 26, 1912, as is noted in his Standesamt birth entry.
- Anna Helene Louise Fick born 31 Jul 1881 in Belgard.
- Anna Christine Neitzel born 18 Apr 1812 and died 05 Feb 1815 in Lülfitz, Belgard at the age of 2 years, 9 months.
- Carl Wilhelm Neitzel born 11 Jan 1814 in Lülfitz, Belgard, Pommern. His birth record states that he was born “Karl Wilhelm Neitzke,” though his death record states “William Carl Neitzel.” One thing is for sure: he was a Neitzel, not a Neitzke. In life, he was an Eigenthümer, Büdner, and Tagelöhner. His daughter’s birth in 1839 places him as a Schneider, though it is likely an error made by the pastor.
oo Anne Christine Henriette Dewuske married 16 Nov 1838 in Belgard. They were most likely married quickly because she was pregnant with Caroline. Henriette was born 21 Sep 1812 in Groß Panknin. Her name would be spelled a variety of ways throughout her lifetime (a trend which seems to still be continued with my family name). Spellings included: Devorskÿ on her birth entry, Drewuske at the time of her marriage, Dreworske by a son’s marriage certificate, Dewoßki on her death certificate, and Trevorski on a daughter’s birth certificate. (She is my half 4th great aunt.) I have more on this side of the family available upon request going further back to the 1700s. Unfortunately, while some information about her father exists, I have yet to determine where the surname originated from.- Caroline Friedericke Neitzel born 07 Mar 1839 in Alt Lülfitz.
- Wilhelmine Anne Christine Neitzel born 28 Dec 1840 in Alt Lülfitz and was baptized 03 Jan 1841 in Belgard.
- Emilie Luise Charlotte Neitzel born 17 Nov 1843 in Alt Lülfitz and baptized 26 Nov 1843 in Belgard.
- Henriette Mathilde Neitzel born 20 Aug 1846 in Lülfitz and baptized 30 Aug 1846 in Belgard.
oo Johann Hermann Erdmann Maass The marriage proclamation was issued 26 Oktober, 2 and 9 November in Stolp. At the time, they were both living in Natztow. No marriage date was listed. He was also in the Pommersche Gendarm-Regiment No. 5 Blücher, which explains his entry in the Stolp military church book. He was born 28 Oct 1849 in Mallnow, Kolberg-Körlin, the son of Johann Maaß and Caroline Baller, the latter of whom moved to America. Hermann was also a Hofmeister in Natztow, Belgard, dying on 09 Feb 1904.- Wilhelm Carl Johann Maass born 13 Sep 1876 and died 07 Oct 1876 in Natztow.
- Carl August Johann Maass born 28 Jun 1879 and died 05 Jul 1879 in Natztow.
- Martha Caroline Wilhelmine Maass born 14 May 1882 in Natztow.
oo Reinhard Albert Johann Bunde married 21 Apr 1904 in the Standemin Standesamt. Both of them were living in Natztow at the time of their marriage. He was born 22 Jan 1881 in Natztow with the name “August Reinhard Albert.” It is uncertain whether this was an inaccuracy by the recordkeeper or if his name was changed after the fact. He was a Deputant in Natztow, a son of Friedrich Gottlieb Christian Bunde, also a Tagelöhner and a Deputant, and Emilie Marie Friederike Voigt.- Ida Anna Marie Bunde was born 29 Sep 1906 in Natztow. She had an illegitimate baby girl who was born dead on 27 May 1927.
- Anna Emma Marie Bunde born 26 May 1909 in Natztow.
- Erich Hermann Ernst Bunde born 29 Apr 1911 in Natztow.
- Hermann Max Albert Bunde born 09 Jun 1913 in Natztow.
- Anna Auguste Wilhelmine Maass born 10 Feb 1885 in Natztow.
- Carl August Wilhelm Neitzel born 06 Feb 1853 in Natztow. He married Friederike Baum on 15 Jun 1877 in Standemin. He was a Knecht and a Tagelöhner. Two children were born of this union in Pomerania before they immigrated through the port of Hamburg and Havre to the United States, arriving 12 Apr 1882. He would live the remainder of his life in Wisconsin, dying on 21 Jun 1927 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin with the last residence listed as 1509 South Fourteenth Street (Otto Behring’s house). He was buried 25 Jun 1927 in Bethlehem Lutheran Church (Lutheran Cemetery). Rev. F. C. Proehl officiated from Our Savior’s English Lutheran Church.
oo Friedericke Wilhelmine Emilie Baum was born 10 Sep 1851 in Schötzow, Kolberg-Körlin. She passed away 16 years before her husband, placing her death around 1911.- Martha Anna Pauline Neitzel born 01 Nov 1877 in Standemin, Belgard. Died in 1939. She was married to Emil Marquardt on 06 Feb 1904 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin at Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
oo Emil William Marquardt (also Emil A. Marquardt) was born 04 Aug 1880 in Brussels, Door, Wisconsin to Hermann Marquardt and Bertha Knaack (misspelled Knabe in Emil’s obituary).- Amalia Viola Marquardt born 09 Jul 1904 in Sheboygan. Mentioned in Emil’s obituary as a daughter that preceded him in death. Probably died between 1907 and 1910 as the civil records index ends in 1907.
- Wilbert Louis Marquardt born 25 Aug 1906 and died 28 Aug 1906 in Sheboygan.
- Severa Marquardt born abt 1908 (her birthday is calculated to be between January 13 and April 10 according to U.S. Census records). She was confirmed in 1922 and died before 1967.
- Raymond L. Marquardt born 25 Mar 1909 in Sheboygan. He was confirmed in 1923 and was never known to be married. He was appointed deputy clerk of courts in Sheboygan County on April 3, 1936, and clerk of courts on July 1, 1955. He served 39 years of courthouse employment and was the “dean” of Sheboygan County officials, also serving as president of the Wisconsin Clerk of Courts Association twice. He founded and edited the association’s monthly publication, The Legal Beagle. During his time as a clerk of courts, he assisted thousands of foreign-born people in becoming U.S. citizens and prepared thousands more for travel abroad. He retired November 19, 1974. Raymond passed away 30 Sep 1993 in Mountain, Oconto, Wisconsin.
- Nancy Lee Marquardt she was born abt. 1937. She was listed in census records but never confirmed as Emil’s daughter in his obituary. It is possible that she was adopted and raised by the family. She married Thomas G. Maratik.
- Anna Wilhelmine Emilie Neitzel born 13 Dec 1879 in Standemin. She also went by “Annie” in America. She was married to Albert Splittgerber on 28 Oct 1899 in Sheboygan.
oo Albert F. Splittgerber born 01 Dec 1878 in Breitenfelde, Hammerstein, Naugard, Pommern (though he was also listed as being born in Cascade). He died 14 Dec 1962 in Kiel, Manitowoc, Wisconsin.- Viola Esther Splittgerber was born 27 Mar 1901 in Sheboygan. It appears she lived at 1806 S. 12th, 5th Ward, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. She married in September of 1922, eventually having four known children. She died 06 Aug 1964 in Milwaukee.
oo Clarence Robert Slater born 28 Nov 1897 in Star Lake, Vilas, Wisconsin. He died 11 Dec 1967.- Robert Clarence Slater was born 22 Jun 1923 and died 11 May 1997. He was last in Ozaukee, Wisconsin. It is not known that he was ever married.
- June V. Slater born 17 Jun 1925. She died in Ozaukee, Wisconsin on 25 Nov 2005.
oo Norman J. Viens was born 31 Aug 1919 and died 20 May 2012. - Terris Elwood Slater born 31 Dec 1934 and died 19 Jun 2007. He was last living in Saukville, Ozaukee, Wisconsin. He was twice married, his first marriage ending in divorce on 17 Nov 1976 in Milwaukee. Five children were known to be born of this marriage. He then married Patricia Ann Weber on 03 Apr 1982 in Ozaukee.
- Clifford Slater
oo Vivian –
- Loretta R. Splittgerber born 05 May 1903 in Sheboygan. (Also spelled Lauretta in 1920 census records.) She died 05 Apr 1943 in Sheboygan.
oo Clinton Staeben born 25 Mar 1898 in Sheboygan. He died in April of 1946 in Sheboygan.- Reuben C. Staeben is the only known child of this union. He was born abt. 1924 and married Lucille R. Cushway.
oo Lucille R. Cushway born 17 Dec 1918. Married 05 May 1945 in King, Washington, USA. Three children have been recorded from this marriage: Chuck, Bonnie, and Linda.
- Reuben C. Staeben is the only known child of this union. He was born abt. 1924 and married Lucille R. Cushway.
- Rhoda Splittgerber born abt. 1912 and married a man with the last name Smith.
oo – Smith - Elwood Splittgerber born 16 Mar 1914 in Wisconsin. He died in June of 1981.
- Viola Esther Splittgerber was born 27 Mar 1901 in Sheboygan. It appears she lived at 1806 S. 12th, 5th Ward, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. She married in September of 1922, eventually having four known children. She died 06 Aug 1964 in Milwaukee.
- Louis Otto William Neitzel born 04 Aug 1882 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died in December of 1968.
oo Frieda Steffen born 07 Sep 1887 to Herman Steffen and Wilhelmine Spiegelberg and died 09 Apr 1955 in Sheboygan.- Ruth Neitzel (Ruth L.) born abt. 1928 and was adopted by Louis before the 1930 census. It appears that she was Frieda’s biological daughter.
- Amanda Bertha Neitzel born 27 Mar 1892 in Wisconsin. It is possible several other children preceded her birth, but the records have not been found. She died 22 Oct 1980 in Sheboygan.
oo Otto Christ. Friedrich Behring (Christian or Christopher?) born 27 Jan 1893 and died 19 Mar 1968, both in Sheboygan. They were married on 23 Jun 1917 in Sheboygan at Bethlehem Lutheran Church.- Carlyn Otto Behring born 14 Jul 1918 in Sheboygan. He died 18 Nov 2012 in Hickory, Catawba, North Carolina.
oo Arline E. Draheim Born 22 Jul 1923 in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. She died 30 Nov 2007 in Fort Meyers, Florida and was buried on 04 Dec 2007 in Lee Memorial Park. Three children were born of this marriage. - Ethel L. Behring born 10 Aug 1920.
oo Roland Arthur Peterson married 27 Sep 1941 in Sheboygan. He was born 05 May 1917 in Sheboygan and died 24 Feb 1995. Three children were known from this marriage. - Eileen Anna Viola Behring born 14 Dec 1924 in Sheboygan and also died there on 15 Apr 1994. (Also spelled Elaine in one record.)
oo Donald Kenneth Prahl married 30 Nov 1946 in Sheboygan. He was born 22 Jan 1918 in New London, Outagamie, Wisconsin and died 14 May 1986 in Sheboygan. Two children were known from this marriage. - Owen Behring born abt. 1928 according to the 1940 census. No other records exist for him.
- Carlyn Otto Behring born 14 Jul 1918 in Sheboygan. He died 18 Nov 2012 in Hickory, Catawba, North Carolina.
- Martha Anna Pauline Neitzel born 01 Nov 1877 in Standemin, Belgard. Died in 1939. She was married to Emil Marquardt on 06 Feb 1904 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin at Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
- Henrietta Louise Neitzel born 23 Jan 1816 and died 12 Nov 1817 in Lülfitz, Belgard.