Digitization Project: Pomeranian Emigration Records

Most are familiar with the immigration and passenger lists on various family history websites. However, several little-known collections in the Stettin Archives help bridge the missing records from other ports, those that either destroyed the lists after a certain number of years and those that never kept record of the immigrants. Additionally, not all immigrants entered through New York. The goal of this project is to fund the digitization of over 250 of these records.
Below, you will see the books slated for photographing. We have partnered with a photographer in Poland who is able to help us digitize these records so we can offer them to the public for free. However, this cannot be accomplished without your help. Each book costs approximately $30 to be digitized.
We are asking for your help to make this dream a reality. Please consider gifting money to sponsor a book. You can choose to be honored with your name next to the digitized book or make an anonymous gift from a “Private Sponsor.” The list below will be updated regularly.
Thank you for your consideration!

The links below will take you to Szukaj w Archiwach, the Polish Archives website, where you can explore these and other collections.