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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4951 Illinois State Archives microfilm (25 rolls). Source (S200)
4952 Illinois State Archives microfilm (25 rolls). Source (S219)
4953 Illinois State Archives microfilm (25 rolls). Source (S586541417)
4954 Illinois State Marriage Records. Online index. Illinois State Public Record Offices. Source (S107)
4955 Illinois State Marriage Records. Online index. Illinois State Public Record Offices. Source (S992935207)
4956 Illinois State Marriage Records. Online index. Illinois State Public Record Offices. Source (S998224936)
4957 Illinois State Marriage Records. Online index. Illinois State Public Record Offices. Source (S1003585393)
4958 Illinois State Marriage Records. Online index. Illinois State Public Record Offices. Source (S1003601294)
4959 Illinois State Marriage Records. Online index. Illinois State Public Record Offices. Source (S1009230360)
4960 Illinois. Cook. "Illinois, Cook County, Deaths, 1878-1922". Source (S60)
4961 Illinois. Cook. "Illinois, Cook County, Deaths, 1878-1922". Source (S61)
4962 ILNotes for Mary Etta Green: She had 10 children. Greene, Mary Etta (I2310)
4963 im alter von 72 Jahren an Falkräftung Dworsky, David (I1417)
4964 Images produced by permission of London Metropolitan Archives (City of London Corporation). The City of London gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HB via – Infringement of the above condition may result in legal action. Source (S1003772650)
4965 Immanuel (River Church), Mayville, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Zimmermann, Friedrich Johann Wilhelm (I1519)
4966 Immanuel (River Church), Mayville, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Voss, Maria Louise Henriette Albertina (I1520)
4967 Immanuel Ev Luth -River Church, Mayville, Dodge County, Wisconsin Family F136
4968 Immanuel Luth, Theresa, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Justmann, Fredricke Wilhelmine Henrietta (I1522)
4969 Immanuel Luth, Theresa, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Zimmerman, Michael Friedrich Gottlieb (I1523)
4970 Immanuel Luth, Theresa, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Kuehl, Maria Friederike Charlotte (I1525)
4971 Immigrated from Fanger, Naugard Krüger, Friederike Dorothea Charlotte (I280)
4972 Immigrated to Pennsylvania Risch, Anna Maria (I282491427915)
4973 Immigrated to the U.S. in 1861
Böse, Louise Charlotte (I238)
4974 In 1911, John M Hardy was an Officer with the Salvation Army. Hardy, John M (I182154554735)
4975 In a military hospital in the East from an appendicitis. They tried to save him with a surgery, but it didn't work. Dewuske, Erhard Emil Heinrich (I210)
4976 In Alter von 43 Jahre an der Schwindsucht beerdigt 13 Jan. Erbe: Wittwer Jacob Dawurske, Christian, Caroline, Hanna (illegible) Krampen, Anna Dorothea (I1515)
4977 in Groß Zacharin, Kreis Deutsch Krone; Viehhirte in Rosainen, Kreis Marienwerder (1659) Priebe, Kersten (I247)
4978 In Neumark, Brandenburg, Prussia. Last name is also spelled "Wehler." Waehler, Carl August Gottlieb (I6036)
4979 In the 1930 Census, the relationship says Nephew. But 1920 census says ADOPTED SON.
Ferguson, Carrol M (I182031444320)
4980 in the 1950s England, Tom (I2410)
4981 In ther marriage record, "Ann" is crossed out before Maria. (Carstenitz) - Her middle name was listed as Elisabeth in other records Family F464
4982 In Winona by 1903 Sturm, Elise Emilie Emma (I4874)
4983 Includes bibliographical references (p. [605]-615) and indexes. Source (S467007520)
4984 Information on Johan Nagel, his wife, their son Adolph, and Adolph's descendants was provided by Bonnie Galvin, a descendant of Adolph. I have tentatively placed the other children, Carl, Ludwig, and Augusta, into this family based solely on DNA matching.

Bonnie Galvin (descendant of Adolph) and I (descendant of Carl) have a DNA match of 57 centimorgans, which is typical for 3rd cousins.

Frank Keller, a descendant of Augusta Nagel (Keller), matches my DNA with 27.3 centimorgans, typical for 4th cousins. From this, we presume that Augusta Nagel was either a sister of Carl Nagel, or his daughter by an early marriage, or a niece, or cousin.

Heidi Nagel, a descendant of Ludwig, matches my DNA with 26.3 centimorgans. 
Nagel, Johan (I102)
4985 Inherited the farm in Rützow Dewuske, Erhard Emil Heinrich (I210)
4986 Inhumée le 4 août à Pointe-du-Lac, paroisse La-Visitation. Biron, Barbe (I282509834348)
4987 Inhumée le 7 janvier à Pointe-du-Lac, paroisse La-Visitation. Deblois, Madeleine (I282509834118)
4988 Intention

No. 1374, State of Wisconsin, Shawano County,

Gustav Handt personally appeared before the subscriber, the Cleark of the Circuit Court for the State of Wisconsin in and for said County, being a Court of Record, and made oath that he was born in Germany on or about the year 1860, that he emigrated to the United States and landed at the port of Sault St Marie on or about the month of April in the year 1902; that it is bona fied his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty whatever, and particularily to the King of England wherefore he is a subject.

signed: Gustav Adolpf Handt [in his own hand]

Previously naturalized in Canada.

Handt, Gustave (I2092)
4989 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F694
4990 IOOF Cemetery, Santa Cruz, California Ebert, Wilhelm Johann (I5509)
4991 Iowa Births, 1880-1904, 1921-1946. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa.;
Iowa Delayed Births, 1856-1940. State Historical Society of Iowa, States Archives, Des Moines, Iowa. 
Source (S992935094)
4992 Iowa Births, 1880-1904, 1921-1946. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa.;
Iowa Delayed Births, 1856-1940. State Historical Society of Iowa, States Archives, Des Moines, Iowa. 
Source (S1004923541)
4993 Iowa Deaths, 1880-1904. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa.; Iowa, Deaths, 1920-1951. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa. Source (S992935323)
4994 Iowa Deaths, 1880-1904. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa.; Iowa, Deaths, 1920-1951. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa. Source (S1007594303)
4995 Iowa Deaths, 1880-1904. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa.; Iowa, Deaths, 1920-1951. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa. Source (S1007620530)
4996 Iowa Deaths, 1880-1904. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa.; Iowa, Deaths, 1920-1951. State Historical Society of Iowa, State Archives, Des Moines, Iowa. Source (S1007849324)
4997 Iowa Delayed Birth Records, 1856-1944. State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa. Source (S463723566)
4998 Iowa Department of Public Health. Iowa Marriage Records, 1923–37. Microfilm. Record Group 048. State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa. Source (S82)
4999 Iowa, 1895 Iowa State Census, Des Moines, Iowa: State Historical Society of Iowa Source (S28)
5000 Iowa, County, District and Probate Courts. Source (S100)

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