Family Tree Teaching Resources

This zipped file package is perfect for students from 4th grade through 7th grade. Teach your students the value of family history research in conjunction with another unit that touches on similar themes in your social studies class. Often times, students find history boring, as they have very little frame of reference for what has happened in the past being relevant for the future. Teaching students to connect certain themes from their own family can help build a more relevant and meaningful experience for your students.
You can download ZIP file Family Tree Teacher Materials. Some of these materials were gathered from around the web, and others were put together myself. Please feel free to alter and modify them as necessary for your classroom. Using Metryki Genbaza, you can download original civil registry and church book pages for your students to look at. Many times, students will be enamored with these old script documents, especially when told that they are over a hundred years old.
These resources can also be helpful for middle and high school health and science classes, as each may touch on themes such as family co-dependence and addictions or genetic phenotypes. Included are several worksheets for students to map out immediate and extended families. Students may also copy cultural textiles or create their own family crest for art class.