Gutknecht Families from Podewils, Belgard

The family of Fredrick Gutknecht of Black Hawk, Iowa.
Last Updated on December 12, 2019
The Gutknecht family has historical roots in Podewils dating back to the 1600s. This study focuses on possibly related lineages from the areas near Podewils in Kreis Belgard.
My interest in this family stems from my own Gutknecht lineage, albeit a short and difficult to trace branch of the family tree. I began my extensive research on this family three years ago after contacting Arlene Riensche who descended from the Gutknecht-Bast line. Without her help and knowledge, I am not sure that this study could have began with its current accuracy. If anyone should have information to add to this research, please feel free to email me. My hope and goal with this study is to untangle the family tree and identify the origins of each Gutknecht.
This page will be updated as my research on the family progresses.
An Early History of the Gutknecht Family’s Origins
With the Thirty Years’ War ending in 1648, much of Pomerania was left in a state of desolation. The first mention I could find was of a Jochim Gutknecht in Battin in 1645. The record states that he was one of two Bauern underneath Obristleutnant Ewald Podewils. At the same time, the document for Podewils states that Christoph Podewils named four people as inheritors: two known KossƤtchen and two Bauern. Whether one of these people is Jochim is unknown. What is known is that in 1649, Jochim Godeknecht was the Schulz in Podewils, the Rittersitz belonging to Ewald Podewils. Jochim Gudtknecht is also listed in the parish of Rarfin for Podewils as a Schulze in 1655.
In 1675, a Jacob Gudknecht with Catharina are mentioned in the Taufbuch of St. Marienkirche in Kolberg but the connection is not known.
Several Gutknecht families can be found in the Hufenklassifikation of 1717-1719. First, one should examine records in the same county. In Zadtkow, Ernst Friedrich Gutknecht was a Halbbauer of a 1/2 Hufen. However, it is my belief that if the Gutknecht family in Zadtkow is related to the Gutknechts in Podewils, they must have split into two separate family lines sometime before the Hufenklassifikation census was completed. The two people that seem to be of the most importance were both listed in Podewils. Friedrich Gutknecht was a Halbbauer of 5/16 Hufen while Jochim Gutknecht farmed 1 Hufen.
The others mentioned eventually cross into the Kƶslin district closer to the late 1800s but are not known to be connected with the Gutknecht family from Podewils in any way. In Haseleu, Kreis Regenwalde, Christoph Gutknecht was a Bauer of 1 1/2. In the nearby village of Silligsdorf, Fridrich Gutknecht was a Bauer of 1 Hufen. In Kreis Saatzig, Jochim Gutknecht was a Verwalter of 8 1/4 Hufen in VoĆberg.
Then, Christian and Joachim Gutknecht are mentioned in Frau Innenburg von Kleist’s (born Lettow) testament on March 17, 1722. They were witnesses to the testament. A Christian Gutknecht was also named in the “Matrikel-Tabelle der Kirche zu Rarfin” as a Dienstknecht.
Christian Heinrich Gutknecht was entered into the Belgard Schneider Guild on November 27, 1775 by Schneidermeister Hoppe after learning the profession for three years. He was also entered into “Mitgleidesbuch der Schneidergesellen BrĆ¼derschaft zu Belgard (1773-1856)” on Marc 22, 1778. He would later be named in “Die KĆ¼ster und Lehrer der Synode Belgard 1797” as Christian Gutknecht in Podewils, 43 years old with 10 years of service. His learned profession was listed as being a Schneider.
A Lehrer (also known as the Schullehrer and KĆ¼ster) by the name of W. Gutknecht was known in Rarfin in 1831 according to “LehrkrƤfte der Stadt und des Landkreises Belgard” by Max Bruhn, sourced from several different resources including the JahrbĆ¼cher des Provinz Pommern. He was listed in these yearbooks from 1824-1834, but not in the 1837 edition.
The MĆ¼llergeselle Gutknecht from Podewils was granted a Reisepass in the fourth quarter of 1820 on October 22, according to page 70 of “Acta Gener der Belgardschen Kreis Reistratur betreffend die Erteilung der ReisepƤsse (1809-1869)” in the Szczecin Archive. The Bauer Thurow from GroĆĀ Rambin is the second person named in this entry. It appears that the passport allowed them to travel to Kƶslin.
There is also a Swiss website devoted to the study of the Gutknecht surname.
Gutknecht Families and Lineages
Johann Joachim Gutknecht was born about 1778. He lived in Podewils but might have been born or resided in Rarfin, according to a FamilySearch entry stating that he was “of Rarfin.” According to his daughter Wilhelmine’s death certificate, he died in Podewils. His other daughter’s death certificate listed his death place as Klƶtzin and only provided his name as “Johann.” He was still living in 1828, as proven by the mortgage document for Rarfin, house #5. He married Dorothea Louise Elert in 1809 in Rarfin. She was the daughter of Johann Leopold Elert (1749-1817) and Eleonore MĆ¼ller (1750-1840), who was a Bauer and Schulze in Rarfin. Conflicting information can be found online, especially in the Belgard-Schivelbein Ortsfamilienbuch which confuses him with Leopold Johann Friedrich Elert. The ZIburski family tree seems to be better documented and was possibly sourced from records pre-dating the end of WWII. The Elert family was spelled “Ehlert” in earlier documents. Of the Gutknecht-Elert family:
- Wilhelmine Albertine Gutknecht was born about 1815 in Podewils. (She was born “Albertine Wilhelmine.”) She died on May 29, 1882 in Klein Rambin, Belgard. She was married to Johann Heinrich Dewuske, son of the Hirte Johann Heinrich Dewuske (earlier known as Devorsky). Of their marriage, only one child is known: the Schumachermeister Heinrich Dewuske.
- Dorothea Christine Gutknecht was also born about 1815 in Podewils. She died on April 27, 1886 in Klƶtzin, then in Kreis Schivelbein at the age of 71 years old. She was married to the EigenthĆ¼mer August Friedrich Gottlieb StreĆæ. He might have been a Schmied.
- Emilie Friederike Wilhelmine StreĆæ was born on January 15, 1848 in Rogzow, Kolberg-Kƶrlin (the church register in Stargard lists Rogzow as being in Kreis Schivelbein at the time). She died on October 26, 1923 in Bad Polzin, Belgard in Johanniter-Krankenhaus, last residing in Klƶtzin. She was living in Stettin in 1887 according to her daughter’s marriage certificate. She was married to the Fleischermeister Johann August Heinrich Dehnel, who was born on August 7, 1842 in Kƶrlin, Kolberg-Kƶrlin. He died on November 23, 1883 in Kƶrlin
- Auguste Emilie Dorothea Dehnel was born on March 1, 1869 in Belgard Stadt and was baptized on March 14, 1869 with the following Taufpate: 1. Emilie Dehnell, Fleischerfrau in Cƶrlin 2. Dorothea Strey, EigenthĆ¼merfrau in Klƶtzin 3. Johann Dewoske in Kl. Rambin. She was married to Karl August Friedrich Maske, who was born on October 14, 1854 in Kollatz, Belgard, the son of Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm Maske andĀ Justine Friederike Wilhelmine Maske. They were married on September 30, 1887 in Kƶrlin.
- Franz Paul Johannes Albert Dehnel was born February 18, 1873 in Belgard Stadt and was baptized on March 2, 1873 with the following Taufpate: 1. Johann Dehnel, Fleischermeister in Cƶrlin 2. Albert Dehnel, Fleischermeister in Cƶrlin 3. Pauline StreĆæ, EigenthĆ¼mertochter in Glƶtzin (should be Klƶtzin). He died on October 11, 1876 in Belgard.
- Paul Wilhelm August Dehnel was born on March 10, 1874 in Belgard Stadt and was baptized on March 18, 1874 with the following Taufpate: 1. Wilhelm Dehnell, Fleischermeister in Cƶrlin 2. Auguste Dehnell, Fleischermeisterfrau in Cƶrlin 3. Pauline StreĆæ, Schmiedstocher in Glƶtzin
- Louise Emma Anna Dehnel was born on October 26, 1875 in Belgard Stadt. She died on October 04, 1876 in Belgard Stadt.
- Emil Otto Carl Dehnel was born on August 15, 1877 in Belgard Stadt.
- Pauline Marie Anna StreĆæ was born on May 15, 1852 in Klƶtzin. It is not known if she was ever married.
- Emilie Friederike Wilhelmine StreĆæ was born on January 15, 1848 in Rogzow, Kolberg-Kƶrlin (the church register in Stargard lists Rogzow as being in Kreis Schivelbein at the time). She died on October 26, 1923 in Bad Polzin, Belgard in Johanniter-Krankenhaus, last residing in Klƶtzin. She was living in Stettin in 1887 according to her daughter’s marriage certificate. She was married to the Fleischermeister Johann August Heinrich Dehnel, who was born on August 7, 1842 in Kƶrlin, Kolberg-Kƶrlin. He died on November 23, 1883 in Kƶrlin
Carl Heinrich Gutknecht was a Tagelƶhner and died in Rarfin. He was married to Friederike Henriette Caroline Dalke (Dahlke is an alternate spelling) who was born September 29, 1816 in Schivelbein and died June 12, 1889 in Vorwerk. She was the daughter of Carl Wilhelm Dalke and Charlotte Sophie Graunke. Pauline’s marriage certificate states that her father was dead before 1876 and her mother lived in Garchen. The marriage record for their son, August, denotes their deaths in Rarfin. Pauline’s death certificate places Carl’s death in Rarfin and Friederike’s in Belgard. Wilhelmine’s death certificate states that Friederike died in Vorwerk and that Carl died in Standemin.
- Pauline Caroline Sophie Gutknecht, born August 25, 1845 in Kamissow, Belgard. Taufpate: Joachim Gottfried Gutknecht (possibly the same who married Friederike Bast). She was baptized August 31 with the following Taufpate: 1. Bauer Joach. Gottl. Gutknecht 2. Caroline Wilhelmine Dorothee MĆ¼ller 3. Johanne Sophie Dorothe Grulke. Pauline died on May 5, 1907 in Belgard at the age of 63 years old. She married the Arbeiter Carl Ludwig Gottlieb Bohm who was born April 19, 1843 in GroĆ Reichow to Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Bohm and Eva Louisa Priebe, with the marriage taking place on December 15, 1876 and was registered to the Koseeger Standesamt. She was an Arbeiterin, divorced from her husband before her death.
- August Carl Wilhelm Bohm was born on August 24, 1877 in Natztow. He died on September 9, 1877 in Natztow.
- Carl August Ferdinand Gutknecht, born December 31, 1846 in Kamissow. He died March 11, 1896 in Podewils, with his sister Wilhelmine Gutknecht witnessing his death.Ā He was a Schneidermeister who was married to Henriette Bertha Zillmer (listed in other records as Henriette Albertine Caroline Zillmann) on November 14, 1890 and was registered in the Koseeger Standesamt with him living in Podewils at the time. She was born July 10, 1868 in Kowanz, the daughter of the EigenthĆ¼mer Gottlieb Zillmer and Bertha Haeger. They had the following children:
- – Zillmer was a daughter who died during the birthing process on October 14, 1888 in Kowanz. It is unknown whether she was the child of August Gutknecht.
- Lieschen Albertine Alma Gutknecht was born on August 11, 1891 in Podewils. She married the MaschinenschloĆer Eduard Wilhelm Simanowski, who was born on August 23, 1873 in Labenz, Briesen, and they were married on October 2, 1931 in Belgard Stadt. He died shortly after on December 5, 1931 in Belgard Stadt.
- – Gutknecht was a son stillborn on May 17, 1894 in Podewils.
- – Gutknecht was a daughter stillborn on June 11, 1895 in Podewils.
- Emil Albert Paul Gutknecht was born on August 7, 1896 in Podewils.
- Ida Mathilde Wilhelmine Gutknecht was born September 30, 1897 in Podewils. While she was born more than a year after August’s death, there is no possibility that she was his daughter.
- – Gutknecht was an illegitimate daughter born on August 9, 1903 in Kowanz, Kolberg-Kƶrlin in the home of Friedrich Timm. She died 17 hours later on August 10, 1903 in Kowanz.
- Wilhelmine Caroline Lisette Gutknecht, born October 9, 1849 in Kamissow and was baptized with the following Taufpate: Lisette Gutknecht, Arbeitsfrau in Podewils. She died unmarried on December 24, 1909 in Belgard Stadt.
- Henriette Wilhelmine Pauline Gutknecht was born October 31, 1853 in Kamissow. She married the Fleischer Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Laude on May 24, 1889 in Belgard Stadt. He was born on July 19, 1861 in GroĆ Krƶssin, Neustettin, the son of the EigenthĆ¼mer August Friedrich Wilhelm Laude and Johanne Friederike Louise MĆ¼ller.
- Bertha Emilie Louise Gutknecht, born March 10, 1859 in Kamissow. Bertha died on October 17, 1926 in Belgard Stadt. She was married to the Tischlermeister Albert August Wilhelm Laude, who was born August 11, 1863 in GroĆ Krƶssin, Neustettin and was living in ZĆ¼lkenhagen, Neustettin. He was also the son of the EigenthĆ¼mer August Friedrich Wilhelm Laude and Johanne Friederike Louise MĆ¼ller. Bertha was living in Vorwerk at the time of her marriage on August 17, 1888, recorded in the Roggow Standesamt at Ackerhof.
Friedrich Gutknecht was an Arbeitsmann in Klein Panknin who was married to Marie Kunde. (This record indicates “Gatknecht” and “Kande.”)
- Hermann Gottlieb was born September 11, 1850 in Klein Panknin and was baptized on September 15 in Belgard with the following Taufpate: 1. Hermann Klotz, Bauersohn in Klein Panknin, 2. Hermann Kaske, Tischler in Klein Panknin, 3. Anna Maass, geb. Treichel, Bauerfrau in Klein Panknin.
Bogislaf Gutknecht was a Bauer in Podewils who was married to Louise Gaulke. Both of them were deceased in Podewils. Koszalin file 7225: Bauten und Reparaturen an den Kirchen-, Pfarr- und SchulgebƤuden im Pfarrbezirk Rarfin shows that Bogislaf Gutknecht was the Schulz in Podewils. The document was written on November 12, 1823.
Johann Joachim Gottlieb Gutknecht (this name was pieced together from various sources, some stating John J.G., Johann Joachim, and Johann Gottihard, among others) was born on April 18, 1809 in Podewils and died on October 16, 1878 in Podewils. He was married to Friederike Bast whose middle name might have been Johanne according to Friedrich Christian Wilhelm Gutknecht’s obituary. She might have died in 1879, as that year is missing from the Standesamt in Rarfin. He appears to be a Taufpate for Pauline, the daughter of Carl Heinrich Gutknecht, in the Belgard church book in 1845.
- Carl Johann Bast was born on June 24, 1831, most likely in Podewils, and was listed as a half-brother to Albert Gutknecht. He was a Pflegekind of Johann Joachim. In Podewils, he was a PferdefĆ¼tter. He died on January 14, 1903 in Hudson, Iowa. He was married to Auguste Mathilde Emilie Schmidt who was born about 1835 and died on August 07, 1874 in Podewils. It’s possible from the time period that she had another child who died prior to the institution of the Standesamt. He then remarried Caroline Wilhelmine Sophie Kratzke on June 08, 1875 with the marriage registered in Rarfin Standesamt. Carl’s children are listed below for clarification, as this is possibly the only lineage that has not been clarified by other works.
- Richard Karl Gustav Bast was born February 12, 1859, probably in Podewils. He died on May 2, 1937 in Springfield, Brown, Minnesota. He married Mathilda A. Hauth on July 24, 1888 in Brown County (though it seems that a marriage record also exists for them in Iowa.).
- Ludwig Carl August Bast (known as Charles Ludwig) was born on January 28, 1864 in Podewils. He died from an appendicitis on February 16, 1915 in Waterloo, Black Hawk, Iowa. He married Anna Carolina Sophia Gutknecht on November 29, 1889 in Black Hawk, Iowa.
- Gustav Paul Carl Bast (Gustavus) was born on November 29, 1870 in Podewils. He died on June 03, 1901 in Pueblo, Colorado.
- Hermann Ludwig Gustav Kratzke was born on June 29, 1871 in Podewils and was confirmed as a Kratzke, leading to the assumption that he was Caroline’s illegitimate son prior to marrying Carl Bast. His last known trace was in 1886 for the 1. Weihnachtsfiertag in Black Hawk before he disappeared.
- Franz Gustav Friedrich Bast (Frank) was born on December 18, 1875 in Podewils to Carl Johann Bast and Caroline Kratzke. He died on March 12, 1941, not known if he was ever married and lived with his brother William in 1930.
- Friedrich Ludwig Emil BastĀ was born on March 11, 1877 in Podewils, though the Standesamt lists “Friedrich August Ludwig,” born on the 11th. His confirmation and marriage state his name was Friedrich Ludwig Emil born on the 18th. He died on January 5, 1944, most likely in Farfield, Grundy, Iowa, which is where he was living in 1940.Ā He marriedĀ Bertha Caroline Friederike Gutknecht on April 21, 1898.
- Wilhelm Carl Friedrich Bast was born on February 28, 1879 in Podewils. His marriage says he was born the 25th of February. A newspaper also substantiates this, despite the Standesamt record of his birth. He died on August 19, 1963 in Waterloo, Blackhawk, Iowa. He marriedĀ Jennie Agnes Petersen on February 10, 1904 in Hudson, Black Hawk, Iowa.
- Anna Friedericke Caroline Bast was born on December 3, 1881 in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk, Iowa. She died on May 3, 1968 and was married to Gustav Walters.
- JohannĀ Max Carl Bast (John) was born on August 9, 1883 in Cedar Falls. He died on November 23, 1981 at the age of 98. It’s assumed that he died without being married.
- Wilhelm Carl Friedrich Gutknecht was born on December 5, 1832 in Podewils and died on March 18, 1913 in Reinbeck, Grundy, Iowa. He was married to Friederike Caroline Wilhelmine Justine Sponholz in 1859. She was born on June 16, 1841, from Kreitzig in Kreis Schivelbein and died on March 22, 1915 in Hudson, Black Hawk, Iowa. They immigrated on November 10, 1868.
- August Friedrich Wilhelm Gutknecht was born about 1834 in Podewils. He died on July 21, 1903 at the Soldier’s Home in Kent, Michigan. While it was thought by Arlene Riensche that August had died by falling out of a window on a construction site, further research proves that he joined the Union Army in 1861 and was discharged in 1865 as a corporal. He was a Schneidermeister by profession and had immigrated with his younger brother Fred and his wife Justine. It would appear that August never married.
- Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Gutknecht was born on January 15, 1837 in Podewils and died on February 29, 1916, being buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery in Black Hawk, Iowa. He was known as “Frederick” in the United States. He marriedĀ Justine Friederike Louise MĆ¼llerĀ on February 07, 1859, shortly before emigrating from Pommern. She would be known as “Gustina” in several record sources. She was born August 13, 1839 in Glƶtzin, Belgard, according to her obituary although church records indicate that she was born August 3. Her birth place is also worth disputing as both Glƶtzin and Klƶtzin were near each other. However, her immigration records from Belgard substantiate that it was indeed Glƶtzin. She died on June 23, 1927 in Black Hawk, Iowa.
- Albert Gutknecht was born about 1838 in Podewils. He was a Bauerhofbesitzer, staying behind in Podewils while his brothers emigrated and presumably inheriting the family farm. Property records indicate that he and his brother Gustav owned land. He was later a Rentner, dying in Belgard Stadt on December 20, 1900. He married Paulina Auguste Emilia MĆ¼ller.
- Theodore Gutknecht is only known through the chronicling of the Gutknecht family tree by Arlene Riensche. A ship manifest lists a Theodor, age 30, traveling with a Reinh., age 27, to the U.S. in 1869. If this is the correct person, he would have been born around 1839 in Pomerania.
- Hermann Friedrich Gutknecht was born on March 18, 1842 in Podewils. He died on June 20, 1918 in Hudson, Black Hawk, Iowa.Ā Records indicate that he fought in a German war against the French. He married Caroline MĆ¼ller on October 23, 1868.
- Gustav Gutknecht was born on February 14, 1844 in Podewils. He owned land in Podewils prior to immigrating to the United States. He died on January 18, 1909 in Waupaca, Wisconsin. He was on the same ship in 1881 as a Wilhelm and Louise Gutknecht, but are not listed consecutively on the passenger list. His occupation was listed as a “capitalist.” He was married to Emilie Behling.
- Bertha Henriette Friedrike Gutknecht was born about May 1846 in Podewils. She was listed as “Bertha Sophie Caroline Friederike Gutknecht” in the marriage document in the Standesamt in 1902. Her death on August 30, 1914 in Podewils states that she was 68 1/4 years old, the daughter of the Bauerhofsbesitzer. She was married toĀ Friedrich Wilhelm Thurow who was born about 1839 in Podewils. He died on August 28, 1900 in Podewils.
- Reinhardt Gutknecht was born about March 1849. While no paper documents connect him directly to Joachim as his father, Arlene Riensche’s research clarifies that he was indeed one of the brothers. He was a shoe maker and died on October 23, 1921 in Waterloo, Black Hawk, Iowa. He was never married.
- Carl Johann Bast was born on June 24, 1831, most likely in Podewils, and was listed as a half-brother to Albert Gutknecht. He was a Pflegekind of Johann Joachim. In Podewils, he was a PferdefĆ¼tter. He died on January 14, 1903 in Hudson, Iowa. He was married to Auguste Mathilde Emilie Schmidt who was born about 1835 and died on August 07, 1874 in Podewils. It’s possible from the time period that she had another child who died prior to the institution of the Standesamt. He then remarried Caroline Wilhelmine Sophie Kratzke on June 08, 1875 with the marriage registered in Rarfin Standesamt. Carl’s children are listed below for clarification, as this is possibly the only lineage that has not been clarified by other works.
Wilhelm C. Gutknecht was born on November 9, 1815, though records conflict about his birth date with some stating his birth was in 1816. His tombstone lists that he died on April 16, 1883 at the age of 67 years, 5 months, and 7 days old. He was buried in Weiss Cemetery in Black Hawk Township, Grundy, Iowa. He was an Arbeiter and married to Lisette Marianne Christiane Euphrosine Kahl who was born onĀ December 11, 1814 in Moitzelfitz, Kolberg-Kƶrlin. She died on January 14, 1896 in Black Hawk (Gutknecht werw. Marianne, Lisette, Christiane Euphrosine geb. Carl according to the church book.) Arlene Riensche’s research says that Wilhelm was Friedrich’s uncle, although no formal documentation has been found to substantiate this claim.
- Johanna Wilhelmina Henrietta GutknechtĀ was born on December 25, 1850 in Podewils. She marriedĀ Heinrich Carl Ludwig Priebe on October 12, 1875 in the Rarfin Standesamt. He was born on January 08, 1850 in Villnow, Neustettin, the son of Wilhelm Priebe and Friederike Dittberner, who appear to have immigrated to America prior to the marriage. They eventually immigrated to Black Hawk, Iowa along with the Gutknecht family. It’s possible that she had a brother, as a Tagelƶhner named Ludwig Gutknecht who was 35 years old and lived in Standemin was a witness at her wedding.
Ludwig Friedrich Christian Gutknecht was born about 1840 and was a Tagelƶhner in Standemin. He was married to Emilie Wilhelmine Louise Voelz. She was the daughter of Christian Richard Fƶltz. Christian died at the age of 75 years old on July 8, 1881 in Standemin and was born about 1806 in Zietlow, the son of the Bauerhofsbesitzer Christoph FƶltzĀ andĀ Maria Elisabeth Kather, both who were previously deceased in Zietlow.
- Lina Anna Bertha Gutknecht was born on August 13, 1877 in Standemin, Belgard.
- Hermann August Friedrich Gutknecht was born on January 18, 1880 in Standemin.
Christoph Wilhelm Gutknecht was a Bauersohn and a Knecht in Podewils, born about February 1816 by his age in 1844. He married Marie Wilhelmine Albertine Nass on November 22, 1844 in Kamissow, entering into the marriage with an illegitimate child. (Check the records for Arnhausen that list Lisette Karl to see if he was married to her before 1844. That would denote that there was another Wilhelm C. Gutknecht.)
His illegitimate daughter was Friedrike Caroline Christi… (Christine?), born April 3, 1844 and baptized April 9th of the same year with the following Taufpate: 1. SchƤferfrau Caroline Uecker, 2. Jungfr. Caroline KrĆ¼ger, 3. Bauer Gottlieb MĆ¼ller. All godparents were from Camissow. I am unsure if Gottlieb MĆ¼ller is the same person as Justine Friederike Louise MĆ¼ller’s father, as they both appear to come from different places.
Joachim Casper Gutknecht was a BĆ¼dner who was married to Sophie Elisabeth Zube. Together, they are known to have parented these children through substantiation of records:
- Wilhelmine Gutknecht was born about 1813 in Podewils and died October 28, 1877 in GroĆ Rambin at the age of 64 years old. She was married to the Tagelƶhner Friedrich Pergande, whose father might have been Carl Friedrich Pergande (1789-1878), but no evidence currently substantiates this and the reference here is pure speculation. Known children were:
- Johann Pergande was born about 1838 (or possibly July 1837). He was an Arbeitsmann and Deputant who immigrated to Niles, Cook, Illinois and died there on October 5, 1907. He was married sometime around 1863 to (Hanna) Johanne Wilhelmine Caroline Schneider. She was born on March 19, 1842 in GroĆ Rambin and was baptized on March 26, 1842 in Arnhausen. They departed from Hamburg on April 5, 1888 and arrived in New York on April 17, 1888. She died on January 3, 1905 in Niles.
- Emilie B. C. Pergande was born December 20, 1865 in GroĆ Rambin, Belgard. She departed from Hamburg on November 28,1885 with brother Wilhelm on board ship Australia to America, arriving on December 18, 1885 in New York. She died on January 08, 1955 in Elgin, Cook, Illinois. Emilie, also later spelled “Amelia,” married Wilhelm Prochnow on January 17, 1886 in Chicago. He was born February 12, 1860 and later died on May 22, 1950 in Arlington Heights, Cook, Illinois.
- Wilhelm Pergande was born on September 24, 1866 in GroĆ Rambin. He died on March 07, 1935 in Niles, Cook, Illinois. He married Wilhelmine (Minnie) Mau on November 02, 1890 in Niles. She was born about 1867 in Illinois and died December 01, 1952 in Niles.
- Hermann Pergande was born on January 26, 1868, presumably in GroĆ Rambin. He died July 6, 1924 in Evanston, Cook, Illinois. He married Fredericka Krueger (Frieda) on March 20, 1897. She was born in 1873 and died on February 12, 1909 in Cook County.
- Carl Pergande was born on March 3, 1872 in GroĆ Rambin. He was later known as “Frank Charles Pergande.” He died on January 28, 1940 in Arlington Heights. He married Emily Steif on November 18, 1894 in Chicago. She was born April 12, 1878 in Niles and died on January 07, 1936 in Chicago. She was known as “Amelia Bertha.”
- Martha Albertine Wilhelmine Pergande was born on October 6, 1875 in GroĆ Rambin.Ā She died on March 12, 1949 in Skokie, Cook, Illinois which was formerly known as Niles Center. She was married on June 16, 1898 toĀ Joachim Theodore Ruesch who went by “Joseph.” He was born on November 11, 1871 in Niles and died on April 10, 1921 in Evanston of bladder cancer.
- Johann Wilhelm August Pergande was born July 6, 1878 in GroĆ Rambin. He died on August 23, 1878 in GroĆ Rambin with the name “Friedrich.”
- Anna Bertha Mathilda PergandeĀ was born on July 6, 1878 in GroĆ Rambin. She died on July 26, 1878 inĀ GroĆ Rambin.
- Minna Auguste Albertine Pergande was born on October 3, 1879 in GroĆ Rambin and died on October 24, 1879 in GroĆ Rambin.
- Bertha Auguste Caroline Pergande was born on May 23, 1881 in GroĆ Rambin and must have died in 1881 in GroĆ Rambin, as she is not on the ship manifest for immigration.
- Emilie Ida Caroline Pergande was born on June 19, 1882 in GroĆ Rambin and died on July 22, 1883 in GroĆ Rambin.
- Emma Martha Bertha Pergande was born on May 26, 1884 in GroĆ Rambin and died on April 18, 1886 in GroĆ Rambin.
- Robert Richard Reinhard Pergande was born on August 8, 1887 in GroĆ Rambin. He died on September 29, 1887 in GroĆ Rambin.
- Carl Ludwig Ferdinand Pergande was born on February 26, 1841 in GroĆ Rambin and was baptized on March 7 with the following godparents: 1. der BĆ¼dner Carl Klann in ?, 2. der Knecht, Ferdinand Blank, 3. Jungfrau Louise Pergande in Podewils. Carl was found hanged on June 15, 1878 in Schivelbein. He was married on September 29, 1876 to Caroline Wilhelmine Schimmelpfennig. She was born on November 06, 1847 in KlĆ¼tzkow, Belgard and died on May 16, 1922 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, buried in Lakewood Cemetery. Her parents were Johann August Ferdinand Schimmelpfennig and Friederike Lischen Radtke, descended from Johann Erdmann Schimmelpfennig and Wilhelmine Gemmeter. After her husband’s death, she was remarried to Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Hellwig. He was born on July 28, 1850 in Stolzenberg, Kolberg-Kƶrlin and died on April 21, 1916 in Minneapolis. He was a Heizer and a Knecht in Technow. They were married on September 17, 1880, shortly after Carl Pergande’s suicide.
- Hermann Julius Gustav Pergande was born on June 07, 1877 in Schivelbein and died on September 02, 1883 in Schivelbein.
- Anna Marie Emilie Hellwig was born on July 16, 1881 in Schivelbein.
- Ida Minna Auguste Hellwig was born on August 14, 1883 and was baptized on September 5, 1883 in Schivelbein.
- Minna Helene Anna Hellwig was born on April 18, 1886 and was baptized on May 09, 1886 in Schivelbein. He died young on November 07, 1886 in Schivelbein.
- Hermann Wilhelm Paul Hellwig was born on February 14, 1888 in Schivelbein and was baptized on March 18, 1888.
- Bernhard Wilhelm Karl Hellwig was born on January 12, 1891 and was baptized on February 22, 1891 in Schivelbein.
- Caroline Wilhelmine Lisette Pergande was born on July 24, 1843 in GroĆ Rambin and was baptized on August 6 with the following Taufpate: 1. Ferdinand Gutknecht, 2. Lisette Carl, 3. Caroline Pergande.
- Auguste Caroline Emma Pergande was born on April 01, 1846 in GroĆ Rambin and was baptized on April 5 with these people as Taufpate: 1. August Raube, 2. Justine Kops, 3. Emma Neitzel. She might have been married to August Brandenburg in GroĆ Rambin, but this has yet to be substantiated.
- Johann Pergande was born about 1838 (or possibly July 1837). He was an Arbeitsmann and Deputant who immigrated to Niles, Cook, Illinois and died there on October 5, 1907. He was married sometime around 1863 to (Hanna) Johanne Wilhelmine Caroline Schneider. She was born on March 19, 1842 in GroĆ Rambin and was baptized on March 26, 1842 in Arnhausen. They departed from Hamburg on April 5, 1888 and arrived in New York on April 17, 1888. She died on January 3, 1905 in Niles.
- Michael Friedrich Heinrich Gutknecht was born October 11, 1820 in Standemin, Belgard and died January 28, 1892 in Denzin Ausbau, and was a BĆ¼dner in Karlsruh, listed under Battin in the Arnhausen Kirchenbuch. He was married to Hanne Sophie Friederike Neitzel, who was the step-daughter of Ludwig Stahnke and was born August 7, 1817 in Denzin Ausbau. She died only a few days before her husband in Polzin on January 23,Ā 1892.
- Hanne Justine Wilhelmine Gutknecht was born on January 19, 1848 in Karlsruh near Battin and was baptized on January 30, 1848 in Arnhausen with the following Taufpate: 1. Wilhelm Rediske, 2. Justine Neitzel, 3. Auguste KrĆ¼ger.
- Wilhelmine Henriette Charolotte Gutknecht was born on October 21, 1852 in Woldisch Tychow to the Arbeiter Friedrich Gutknecht and Friederike Neitzel, both who were living in Kiefheide in 1878, which was triangulated between Mandelatz, Burzlaff, and Vietzow. She was living in Damen, unmarried and without work prior to her marriage to the EigenthĆ¼mer Ludwig Berthold Stahnke. He was born August 1, 1850 in Lenzen and was living in Denzin Ausbau. His parents were the same TischlermeisterĀ Ludwig Stahnke and other wife,Ā Wilhelmine Manke. Both of his parents were also living in Denzin Ausbau at the time of his marriage. The Tischler Albert Stahnke, 25, Denzin, and EigenthĆ¼mer Carl Haeger, 26, Boissin (here spelled as Bussin?), signed as witnesses to the marriage on October 11, 1878 in the Muttin Standesamt, then being registered in Damen. Their children were:
- – Stahnke, who died in childbirth on October 31, 1879 in Denzin Ausbau, Belgard.
- Hermann Albert Carl Stahnke was born on March 26, 1881 in Denzin. He died the same day.
- Anton Albert Franz Stahnke was born on May 22, 1882 in Denzin.
Carl Wilhelm Gottlieb Gutknecht (records conflict whether one of his middle names was Gottlieb or Christian). He was married to Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette Laske/Latzke/Leitzke. They were of the group immigrating to Blumenau, Brazil. They can also be found on the passenger list from May 5, 1875, which can be found in “Auswanderungen nach fremden Staaten 1873-1875” (image DSC_0626.jpg). Their last place of residence appears to be Moitzelfitz and were in connection with the Altsitzer Westpfahl.
- Bertha Gutknecht was the oldest child on the ship manifest in 1875 at the age of 18. She would have been born about 1857.
- Carl August Julius Gutknecht was born on October 29, 1859 in Nelep, Belgard. He married Marie Emma Krutsch on August 1, 1880 while he was a colonist in Itoupava.
- Robert Gutknecht was born on July 5, 1861 in Nelep, Belgard. He married Auguste Roedel on August 23, 1883 in Blumenau, Brazil.
- Emilie Gutknecht was born on April 17, 1863 in Podewils, Belgard. She married Robert William Tuerk on July 8, 1883. She was living in Arapongas.
- Auguste Gutknecht was born August 11, 1866 in Podewils, Belgard. She married Carl Adam on January 2, 1887 with Pastor Sandrezcki officiating. She was living in Arapongas, Brazil and he was living in Blumenau, Brazil.
- – Gutknecht? There was a gap of five years and it is possible a child died in-between.
- Ferdinand Gutknecht was three years old on the ship manifest, making his approximate birth year 1872.
- Albertine GutknechtĀ was two years old when she emigrated, making her approximate birth year 1873.
- Emil Gutknecht was 1/4 year old when he emigrated, making his approximate birth date somewhere around February or March of 1875.
- Anna Marie Sophie Gutknecht was born July 5 in Benedito, Brazil. Her Taufpate were: Bertha Fricke, Hedwig Seifert, Julius Heidrich.
- Friedrike Wilhelmine Henriette Gutknecht was born April 9, 1879. Her Taufpate were: Friedrike Simm, Ludwig Huebes, Wilhelmine Stuck.
Dorothea Sophia GutknechtĀ was married to the SchƤfer Johann Martin Friedrich Steffen. Both were deceased in Schivelbein.
- Auguste Steffen was born about 1841 in Schivelbein. She died on December 20, 1915 at the age of 74. She was married to the BahnwƤrter Johann Prust who was already deceased by the time of her death.
Dorothea Gutknecht was married to Christian Kunzmann.
- Christian Heinrich Wilhelm Ludwig Kunzmann was born about December 1831 in Glƶtzin, Belgard. He was a Lehrer married to Hanne Caroline Henriette Prohn. He died on February 7, 1882 in Schmidtenthin, Neustettin at the age of 61 2/12 years old. She was born in Tempelburg and died on March 4, 1892 in Tempelburg at the age of 77 years and 3 months old. She was the daughter of Johann Michael Prohn and Hanne Christine Dittberner.
Henriette GutknechtĀ was the wife ofĀ the BauerĀ Wilhelm MĆ¼ller in Podewils.
- Caroline MĆ¼ller was born on November 5, 1826 in Podewils. She was married to the Altsitzer, Carl MĆ¼ller and died at the age of 57 1/2 years old on April 29, 1884 in Podewils.
– Gutknecht was the wife of the BĆ¼dner Christoph Gaulke in Podewils. They were both deceased for a long time before their daughter’s death in 1890.
- Friederike Henriette Gaulke was born February 21, 1822 in Podewils and died there on March 7, 1890. She was married to the Tagelƶhner Ferdinand Mahnke for over 40 years (difficult to read what precedes “vierzig Jahren” in the entry). She was the step-mother to Friedrich Manteuffel.
Heinrich Gutknecht was a Tagelƶhner. He was married to Johanne Christine Siewert. Both of their last residences were unknown.
- Hanna Christine Friederika Gutknecht (also spelled “Friederike”) was born about 1828 in Standemin, Belgard. Friederike died on November 1, 1906 in Heinrichshƶhe (then known as Alt Liepenfier). She was married to the Tagelƶhner and EigenthĆ¼mer in Heinrichshƶhe, Wilhelm Friedrich Schmechel. He was dead before 1904 while she was living in Kavelsberg, Belgard. It looks like she might have resided with Karl Krause.
- August Heinrich Christoph Schmechel was born about June 1849 in GroĆ Reichow, Belgard (another entry lists “Christian” instead of “Christoph”). He died on February 1, 1904 in Kavelsberg, Belgard while he was living in Heinrichshƶhe, Neustettin. He was married to Ida Isberner from Neu Liepenfier, Neustettin.
- Wilhelm Karl Otto Schmechel was an EigenthĆ¼mer in Heinrichshƶhe.
- August Heinrich Christoph Schmechel was born about June 1849 in GroĆ Reichow, Belgard (another entry lists “Christian” instead of “Christoph”). He died on February 1, 1904 in Kavelsberg, Belgard while he was living in Heinrichshƶhe, Neustettin. He was married to Ida Isberner from Neu Liepenfier, Neustettin.
Friederike Gutknecht was married to the colonist Ferdinand SchĆ¼lke. Both were deceased and last known in Dohnafelde, Belgard.
- Berta SchĆ¼lke was born about 1854 in Dohnafelde. She died on August 3, 1909 in Schivelbein. Berta was married to the Schuhmachermeister Julius Schulz.
Augustine Caroline Friederike Gutknecht was born about 1839 in Podewils, Belgard and was the daughter of the Bauer Gutknecht in Podewils. She died in Paatzig, Neustettin on December 11, 1902 at the age of 63 years old. She married the EigenthĆ¼mer Carl August Eduard Bublitz.Ā He preceded her in death on December 27, 1898 in Paatzig at the age of 70 years old, making his estimated birth year about 1828. The death certificate from the office of Alt Priebkow lists his parents as the PƤchter Carl Bublitz and Charlotte Kath. He was born in Retzin, Belgard and his parents died there.
Her connection to the below listed families is uncertain. However, it is important to note that the Bahnarbeiter Reinhold Thurow signed the death certificate. He is the grandson of Johann Joachim Gottlieb Gutknecht through his daughter Bertha Henriette Friedrike Gutknecht.
Friedrich Gutknecht
+ vor 05.11.1869 in Klƶtzin, Kreis Schivelbein (This entry from the Belgard-Schivelbein OFB makes tracing the lines below rather difficult. It seems his daughter, Friederike Caroline Auguste Gutknecht, married Johann Wilhelm Carl Bublitz in Schivelbein in 1869. The index lists the father as deceased at the time. What’s even more interesting is that the husband was a Knecht in Klemzow in 1897, denoting that these families shared similar names but could have been separate lineages. Further investigation lists a Knecht Carl Bublitz in Klemzow, which could be someone different, as the Bublitz-Gutknecht Ehepaar went by Wilhelm and Friederike.) His daughter was Friederike Caroline Auguste Gutknecht born about 1844 and married to Johann Wilhelm Carl Bublitz. He was a Knecht in Klƶtzin and was born about February 1845. While they married in Schivelbein, the church signing off for him was in Nelep.
Again, this family seems to have stayed in Pommern. The entry below does not appear to explicitly state that Friedrich was dead at that time. (I am personally of the opinion that this family is the same as the one listed directly below, of Friedrich Gutknecht and Fredericka “Sufoldt.”)
It is also additionally interesting that a Johann August Heinrich Deforskiw (1828-September 25, 1903) is buried in Nelep, as evidenced by an iron cross grave marker. It’s quite curious as the name bears a striking similarity to my Devorsky family of which the name and variations are seldom found anywhere in Pomerania. It makes me question who attended the services in Nelep concerning the fact that the church book does not appear to have survived. However, there are numerous property records for the village that I intend to research in the future. Given that these Gutknechts were day laborers, it is unlikely that they are mentioned as land holders, but might be listed on any tax assessments. Those records typically begin in the late 1860s.
Friedrich Gutknecht was born about 1794 or 1808 depending on the record source and was married to Fredericka Sufoldt (unsure if her surname was spelled correctly). He was listed as a workman (German version should have been “Arbeiter”). They lived in Portage, Wisconsin.
- Friederike Caroline Auguste Gutknecht married William Bublitz. They arrived in New York on April 19, 1876 on the ship, Hamburg & Havre. She might have been born in Klƶtzin.
Carl Wilhelm August Gutknecht was born on March 4, 1840. He died February 20, 1908 and was buried in Gonten’s Cemetery in Wisconsin. He was married to Ernestina Fredrike Louisa Hammermeister who was born on December 28, 1842. They married in the Lutheran church in Schivelbein on what appears to be October 23, 1868 (with notes mentioning the 17th, 18th, and 19th, p. Trinitas, which should be the dates of the banns). Her father was Johann Friedrich Hammermeister, an Arbeiter to Parsenthin. Carl Gutknecht was listed as a Knecht from Klƶtzin, and his home congregation was listed as Grƶssin She died in August 1919 at the age of 77. They would later go by “Charles” and “Ellen” in the United States. Emigration documentation from March 6, 1872 denotes their residence as Klƶtzin, Kreis Schivelbein (later Kreis Belgard), having lived there for four years according to another document from December 13, 1871. He was a Tagelƶhner who had served with the 5th Compagnie 2nd Pommerschen Landwehr Regiment No. 9. They immigrated to Portage, Columbia, Wisconsin.
- William Gutknecht. He married Mary Bedwell on June 26, 1903 in Kilbourn, Columbia, Wisconsin.
- Frederick Gutknecht was born ?. He died on March 14, 1936.
- Charles Gutknecht was born about 1877 and died June 1, 1907 in Portage.
- ? born September 18, 1879 in Portage, Columbia, Wisconsin.
- Alma Gutknecht was bron in 1881 and died November 29, 1864.
- Frank Gutknecht born on February 23, 1884 in Portage, Columbia, Wisconsin.
- August Gutknecht born August 31, 1886 in Portage, Columbia, Wisconsin. He died in August 1931.
There was also an August Gutknecht, born about July 1828 and living in Portage in 1900. He was estimated to have immigrated in 1867. A Carl Gutknecht was married to Johanna Kelley, also of Portage. Wilhelmine A. U. Gutknecht, who was the daughter of August Gutknecht and Friederike Wiedinhaupt married Albert August Witz in Portage on September 18, 1888. She was born in Polzin.
From the marriage of Friedrich Wilhelm August Wietzke and Johanna Charlotte Wilhelmine Brandt in Rarfin on November 2, 1875, both a Wilhelm Bublitz, age 30, and a Wilhelm Gutknecht, age 24, both Tagelƶhner from Klƶtzin, were witnesses. A note in the margins corrects this information, stating that Wilhelm Gutknecht was from the neighboring village of Glƶtzin.
Friedrich ZĆ¼ge and Friederike Louise Gutknecht (Their children list the mother’s name as Friederike and Louise.) The marriage records listed below are not clear on which spouse the birthplace references.
- Bertha Henriette Emilie ZĆ¼ge was born near “Hoesslin” (should be Kƶslin) according to her marriage document and was married to Wilhelm Friedrich Holz on February 1, 1874 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was born in 1846 and died in 1925, buried in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was the daughter of Ferdinand Holz and Anna Welsaw (probably should be Velsow).
- FriedrichĀ ZĆ¼ge was born near “Begenwolde” (should be Regenwalde). He marriedĀ Ulrike Schwertfeger, daughter of Wilhelm Schwertfeger and Louise Waskow, on April 19, 1874 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Gottlieb Albert FriedrichĀ ZĆ¼ge was born in “Patzig” in Pommern (though it is unclear if it is the Paatzig in Regenwalde or Neustettin, but Regenwalde would be the more logical choice, although another Gutknecht was living in Paatzig, Neustettin). He married Mathilde Johane Charlotte Ziese, who was the daughter of Carl Ziese (or Zilse?) and Louise Genrich, on May 7, 1887 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Wilhelm Gutknecht (later “William”) was married to Elise Combes (also written as “Elsie” and “Lizzie”). He was born on February 10, 1856 in Belgard. He died March 25, 1942 and was a carpenter by profession. His father was listed as William Gutknecht. Elise Combes was born around 1863. Census records indicate they immigrated in 1880. A Herman Mass, age 32, was documented as a cousin of the family in the 1920 Census, meaning that either Wilhelm or Elise had a sibling in the area.
- Herman A. J. Gutknecht was born June 9, 1884 in Chicago. He died on May 16, 1944 in Chicago and was buried on May 20. He was a conductor. Ann Gutknecht was the informant for his death (wife or sister?)
- Elisabeth H. A. Gutknecht was born on June 22, 1886 in Chicago. She died on October 25, 1951 in Chicago. She married William Gastel.
- Helene Gutknecht (Lena, Ella) was born July 5, 1888 in Chicago.
- Emma Gutknecht (one record denotes “Hedwisch”) was born on April 28, 1890 in Chicago. She died on December 29, 1946 in Chicago. She was married to John Riess.
- William Carl Gutknecht was born on March 1, 1892 in Chicago.
- Fred Henry Gutknecht (Fredrick) was born on June 30, 1894 in Chicago.
- Anna B. Gutknecht was born on February 7, 1897 in Chicago.
- – Gutknecht was a baby born around February 1900.
- Harry Gutknecht was born May 9, 1904 in Chicago. The 1920 Census lists him as 35 years old–clearly a discrepancy where Herman would be the better fit. Another Harry was listed in Limestone, Illinois.
- Gertrude Gutknecht was born about 1905.
- Alice G. Gutknecht (also written as “Elise”) was born on April 17, 1906 in Chicago. She died on February 17, 1997 and was buried in Downers Grove, DuPage, Illinois. She was married to Charles H. M. D. Matthei.
Gottlieb GutknechtĀ was an EigenthĆ¼mer, named in Caroline’s death certificate as her father.
- Caroline Gutknecht (also Karoline) was born about 1819 in Schƶnwalde, in what was described as “Kreis Labes,” and should have been a part of Kreis Regenwalde. She was married to the Altsitzer Christian Strickert who died at the age of 72 years old on June 26, 1883 in Zuchen Ausbau. His father was a Bauer who died in Labenz.
- Albert Strickert, born about April 1845 in Karsbaum, Belgard, was an EigenthĆ¼mer who witnessed his father’s death. He was married to Bertha Radtke. He died on March 2, 1928 at the age of 83 years, 11 months in Zuchen.
- Robert Strickert
- Albert Strickert, born about April 1845 in Karsbaum, Belgard, was an EigenthĆ¼mer who witnessed his father’s death. He was married to Bertha Radtke. He died on March 2, 1928 at the age of 83 years, 11 months in Zuchen.
Connected Fragments
Friederike Gutknecht – MƤdchen in Klein Rambin in 1848. She was the Taufpate for the SchƤfer Gottlieb Hahn and Caroline Nicolaus’ daughter in 1848. She was also listed from the Belgard church book for the same year as a Taufpate of Charlotte Sophie Friederike Reinfeldt’s illegitimate son.
Gottlieb Friedrich Gutknecht was aĀ MĆ¼hlenbescheider.Ā He was married to Marie Beate Neumann, who was listed in the 1843 baptism in the Arnhausen as a Taufpate for the Musikus and ErbpƤchter Heinrich Neumann and Caroline Franz’s daughter, Hanne Mathilde Beate Neumann. They would both be mentioned in full in the document for Meseritz, “Das Testament der verwitweten MĆ¼hlenbesitzer Neumann Albertine geb. Gutknecht zu Meseritz.” Both Gottlieb and Marie supposedly died in Stettin. Marie would also be listed in 1840 as a Taufpate for Johann Gottfried Ferdinand Neumann (also a Musikus and EigenthĆ¼mer) and Friedrrike Hensel’s child, Marie FriederikeĀ Louise, alongside with Christoph Heinrich Gotthilf Neumann (previously mentioned) and the Jungfer Amalie Henriette Henselin Arnhausen.
- Albertine Marie Pauline Gutknecht was born about 1830 in Ziezeneff, Belgard. She was married to the MĆ¼llerĀ Otto Heinrich Ferdinand Neumann. She died in Stettin on March 22, 1892 at the age of 62 years old.
- Emilie Neumann died without any heirs.
- Otto Neumann died and left behind a wife and a child in Stettin.
- Fritz NeumannĀ died and left behind a daughter in Reselkow.
- Karl Neumann lived in Stettin.
- Wilhelm Neumann was born on April 29, 1858 at the Meseritzer MĆ¼hl. He lived in Reselkow in 1892.
- Gustav Neumann lived in Krampe.
- Hermann Neumann lived in what looks like Ballenberg, but was spelled, “Ballaenbg.”
- Julius Neumann was Wilhelm’s younger brother who lived in Stettin.
Louise Gutknecht was a Taufpate in the Arnhausen Kirchenbuch.
Carl Friedrich Gutknecht was a Tagelƶhner who was married to Friedrike Marquardt. Both died in Arnhausen before 1879.
- Johann Friedrich August Gutknecht was married toĀ Mathilde Stahnke. They both died in Arnhausen. Johann was born around the middle of 1835 in Stramehl, Regenwalde and became a Schuhmachermeister and EigenthĆ¼mer in Arnhausen. He died on January 26, 1879 in Arnhausen.
- Hermann Friedrich August Gutknecht was born on May 7, 1864 in Arnhausen and was living in Nelep in 1888. He was married on December 3, 1888 in Langen (where the Alt Schlage Standesamt was written) to Monica Margaretha Pohl.
- Albert Friedrich August Gutknecht was born in 1870 and died in 1878.
- Marie Auguste Albertine Gutknecht was born in 1875.
- Martha Mathilde Wilhelmine was born in 1877.
Relationship Unknown
Ferdinand Wilhelm Carl Gutknecht was born about October 1848 and died on May 24, 1913. He was married to Alwine Caroline Holz, later spelled “Holtz” in America. They immigrated to Chicago around 1889, with the U.S. Census listing their immigration year as 1888. His profession is difficult to make out. His father was Wilhelm Gutknecht and his mother was potentially mistakenly listed as Alwine Holtz. In America, he was a teamster. In Pommern, he was an Arbeiter. Earlier job titles denote “Postillon,” or a horse-riding mail carrier.
- Anna Emilie Caroline Gutknecht was born about 1874 in Ā Kƶslin Stadt. She died March 24, 1880 inĀ Kƶslin Stadt at the age of 5 years, 8 months.
- Franz Friedrich Richard Gutknecht was born October 5, 1876 Kƶslin Stadt.
- Louise Marie Johanne Gutknecht was born June 10, 1880 in Kƶslin Stadt.
- Heinrich Carl Friedrich Hermann Ferdinand Gutknecht was born on May 21, 1882 in Kƶslin Stadt.
- Otto Gustav Wilhelm GutknechtĀ was born on November 15, 1883 in Kƶslin Stadt. His family was listed as of the Apostolic religion.
- Paul Ernst Hans Gutknecht was born October 15, 1887 in Kƶslin Stadt.
- Martha Bertha Pauline Gutknecht was born May 11, 1890 in Cedar Falls, Iowa and was baptized on May 25th of the same year.
[I earlier assumed that he was the son of Wilhelm Gutknecht and Antonie Rauscher based on his profession and his residence in the same city as Wilhelm, as they were both teachers.] This has yet to be determined. What is notable is that their family spent a small amount of time in Cedar Falls, which is close to Black Hawk, Iowa where Johann Joachim Gottlieb Gutknecht’s children immigrated to. Was he actually the son of Wilhelm C. Gutknecht and Lisette Kahl?
Ernst Gutknecht was a Stellmachermiester who died prior to his wife. He was married to Amalie Tugendreich (Charlotte?) Schlenter, who died April 5, 1862 in Nƶrenberg, Saatzig at the age of 75, thus making her birth year approximately 1787. She had four children from her first marriage, three of which appear to have still been alive when she died.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Gutknecht was born about December 1819 in Nƶrenberg, Saatzig, meaning that his lineage was likely from the VoĆberg Gutknechts. He died on February 6, 1900 in Kƶslin Stadt at the age of 80 years and two months. He married Caroline Maria (Antonie?) Rauscher on January 12, 1844 in Behlkow, Greifenberg. Her father was Johann Rauscher, a Schlossermeister in Demmin, where she was also born, who had died before their wedding. Her son Paul’s death certificate lists her name as “Charlotte.” Wilhelm’s father was still living at the time of their marriage, granting permission of consent.
- Elwine Johanna Friederike Ernestine Gutknecht was born November 12, 1845 in Behlkow, Greifenberg and was baptized on November 22 with the following Taufpate: 1. die emerit: Lehrer Gottfried Meyer in Cammin, 2. Johanna Hollatz, separ. Goedtke in Behlkow, 3. Elwine Paehler verehel. Prediger Streuber in Behlkow.
- Hugo Georg Gutknecht was born September 30, 1847 in Behlkow and was baptized October 15 with the following Taufpate: 1. Heinriette Maleske, verehel. Schullehrer Agahd in Gummin, 2. Lehrer Wilhelm Pirsch in Gumminshof, 3. Lehrer Albert Radke in Suckowshoff.
- Antonie Mathilde Gutknecht was born on November 8, 1849 in Behlkow and was baptized on November 28 with the following Taufpate: 1. Auguste Kiesow, verehel. Lehrer Radke in Suckowshoff, 2. Elise, Tochter des Predigers Streuber in Behlkow, 3. Lehrer Gottfried Bƶder in Lewetzow.
- Paul Anton Ernst Gutknecht was born on August 19, 1851 in Behlkow and was baptized the following day on August 20 with the Taufpate being of the same families as his siblings. He was married to Bertha Schubert and resided in Pyritz. Paul died on September 18, 1902 in Lauenburg Stadt in Pommern in the Lauenburg Prov. Irrenanstalt. It appears that this was an asylum. He was a Stationsassisstanten(?).
- Erich Gutknecht was born to Bahnhof SchĆ¼bben in Zanow, Schlawe. He was a Kaufmanns Lehrling who died at the age of 16 years, 4 months on April 19, 1903 in Kƶslin Stadt.
- Johannes Emil Gutknecht was born April 5, 1854 in Behlkow and was baptized on April 30. Two Taufpate were of the same families as previously listed; one new person was named: Lehrer Ferdinand Runge in Neuhof.
- Adolph Max Gutknecht was born Christmas morning, December 25, 1857 and was baptized December 27 with the following Taufpate: 1. die Ehefrau des Schafmeisters Genz geb. Hartwig in Suckowshof, 2. der Seminarist August Drews in Stettin, 3. der SchulprƤparande Hermann Falk in Behlkow.
- Agnes Margaretha Catharine Gutknecht was born January 21, 1861 and was baptized January 24 with the following Taufpate: 1. MĆ¼hlenbesitzer Hermann Fischer in Behlkow, 2. Elwine, Tochter des Pastor Streuben in Behlkow, 3. die Ehefrau des KrĆ¼gers Polzin, Bertha geb. Scheer in Behlkow.
Michael Gutknecht. It is unknown where in Pommern this family originated from. There is no known connection to the Podewils family above yet, but DNA has made a small connection between the lineages.
- Henry Gutknecht 1812-1885 who married Christiana ?? and immigrated to Michigan. Misspelled Goodschmight.
- William, born abt. 1824.
Albert GutknechtĀ was born about September 1820 with a birthplace of unknown origin. He was a Rentier when he died, but was also a Gutsbesitzer. He died November 11, 1893 in Kƶslin Stadt. He was married to Auguste Manske.
- Ernst Albert Gutknecht was born in 1864 in HammermĆ¼hle, Schlochau, which belonged to Marienwerder, West Prussia prior to its inclusion into Pomerania in 1938. He was a kƶnigliche Kreisarzt Doktor der Medizin (royal county doctor of medicine). At the time of his death, his mother was still living in Kƶslin. He died on January 15, 1911 in Belgard Stadt, Belgard. He was married to Hulda Specht.
Wilhelmine Gutknecht was born about 1854 in Damen, Belgard and died on July 19, 1903 in Denzin Ausbau, Belgard at the age of 49. She was married to Ludwig Berthold Stahnke, who was born on August 1, 1850 in Lenzen and died on September 26, 1893 in Denzin Ausbau. Their children were:
- – Stahnke, a baby boy who died during birth on October 31, 1879 in Denzin Ausbau.
- Hermann Albert Carl Stahnke, who died only seven hours old on March 26, 1881 in Denzin Ausbau.
- Albert Anton Franz Stahnke.
Regenwalde Lineages
Christian Gutknecht and Sophie Dallmann. Sophie was born on June 23, 1794. She immigrated to the United States and is mentioned in the 1880 Census as being 87 years old. She died on February 6, 1887 and is buried in the Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery in Mosel, Wisconsin. The following children are listed in no specific order:
- Christian Gutknecht was born February 24, 1821 in Reckow, Regenwalde. He was married to Wilhelmina ?. He was a Rentier and died at the age of 70 in 1893 (his age conflicts with the information given about his birth date) in Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
- Auguste Louise Gutknecht married Carl Ferdinand Franz on July 25, 1872 in Mosel, Sheboygan.
- Carl F. Gutknecht was married to Anna Linde on October 31, 1867 in Mosel.
- Alwine Gutknecht
- Augusta GutknechtA Sophia Gudknucht, daughter of John and Wilhelmine, is mentioned as being married in Mosel in 1856 to William Gerhardt.
Unknown Research
Below is a list of other branches I am in the process of researching to determine if they are connected. Take note that these may not be related to the families listed above and are provided as open notes to help others. My thought is, why leave these notes in a notebook if they could help somebody else?
Charles Gutknecht
Born about 1860 according to the 1940 census (which lists his birth place as Wisconsin–possibly incorrectly). At that time, he was widowed and living with his daughter, Ella, age 35, in Buena Vista Town in Iowa County, Wisconsin. The 1930 census lists him as living in Avoca, age 70, with his wife Mary and daughter Ella, ages 66 and 26 with birth years of approximately 1864 and 1904 respectively. He was 24 and she was 20 for the age of their first marriages. She immigrated in 1883 from Germany. Other records show they were married on July 23, 1884 in Pulaski, Iowa, Wisconsin. He was the son of Gustav Gutknecht and Louisa Kron. Mary was married as Maria Brunk, daughter of Julius Brunk and Henrietta Hildebrand. A FamilySearch tree shows Gustav was born December 3, 1816 to Johann Gutknecht, who was of Klausfelde, West Prussia (Kreis Schlochau?)
Why this information included:Ā I stumbled upon this person while looking into the Gutknecht-Hammermeister tree and was looking for a connection.
Who was the Gutknecht in Black Hawk or Cedar Falls that was mentioned as a godparent or had children for only a span of a few years before disappearing?