Körlin Guilds – Schneider Gesellenrolle and Lehrlingsrolle (Journeymen and Apprentice Lists)

I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to the Kolberger Lande for their help in indexing the Schneider guild for the area surrounding Körlin. With their help, it was also discovered that this collection, while organized by the archives underneath the “Cechy Miasta” guild collections as a tailors guild also includes furriers and saddlers. Several months ago, I obtained photographs of those guild books from the Stettin Archives.
However, for many, the old German script–even in it’s most legible form–poses a larger problem to researchers at large. Additionally, while being able to make this collection available to read through, it creates a time-sensitive challenge for many who are running out of time to find answers for elderly loved ones.
Because of the help of the Kolberger Lande, I am now able to make the indexes to these records available on the Pommern Database so our readers can search for relatives. They have also made the index available for search on their website. Additionally, they have numerous other indexes separately available from their KolbeX database here. I would like to thank them for their help and their continued partnership in research. Genealogy is something best accomplished through collaboration and teamwork.
Should you be looking to accomplish research in the region, joining their Facebook group is strongly encouraged. They are one of the most active Pomeranian research communities I have found, and they are a bilingual group for both English and German speakers.
As a final note, if you have any images from the archives that you would be willing to donate, My Pomerania is always looking for more ways to help fellow researchers accomplish their work without having to pay the high costs of obtaining records themselves. For many, research at the archives is an impossible task. Our goal is to make research for you more accessible and provide access to donated images that have already been acquired but have not been shared with other researchers.
This collection has been transcribed and is fully searchable through the Pommern Database.
We would like to thank the help of our friends at Kolberger Lande for transcribing these books.