Peterfitz, Kolberg-Körlin – Land Records (Mortgages)

This mortgage book complements the Grundbücher for Peterfitz and includes references to land in Klaptow. Further information is expanded upon and the earliest entries list more than just the owner’s “Ehefrau,” sometimes listing her full name and more information about when the property was acquired and from whom. The book is dated 1822-1845 but contains information pre-dating its creation date.
For example, one entry of interest is for Gottlieb Griep and Anna Sophia Krüger. On the pages for entry #7, the debts and obligations section references the year 1764. It appears the Gottlieb Wedig in Klaptow was involved in the transaction in some capacity. Some entries for other individuals, like the Leichtfuss residents, list entire branches of the family tree as inheritors.
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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