Vorwerk in Belgard was one of my absolute favorite places to visit while in Pommern. It is a small village on the outskirts of Belgard Stadt, just north of the village Ackerhof. Many of the buildings on the drive through appeared to be either renovated or new. This quiet little hamlet borders the Persante River.

The true beauty is at the edge of the village. A trail leads into the woods and fields. Knowing my family shepherded these parts, I was intrigued to walk in the footsteps of my ancestors and see what the landscape looked like. I traversed every path.

Hiking through Vorwerk was peaceful and serene, filled bees and butterflies. It was so quiet, the rustle of the trees and wild grasses permeated the trails. At the edges of the paths, one could see the still waters where the Persante pools, becoming a habitat for wild animals and allegedly a safe haven for frogs and beavers, though I didn’t see any.

The trails take about two hours to see everything at a leisurely pace.

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