Redlin, Belgard – Land Records (Bauern und Kößathen Höfe)

Unlike other surrounding villages near the Belgard parish, Redlin did not attend church in Belgard Stadt. Residents went to church in Körlin, whose records–outside of the military garrison church books–did not survive. This book chronicles land ownership in Redlin from the first mortgage and inheritable leases. I suppose by today’s standards, this could be considered similar to a property abstract.
While the script can be difficult at times, individual names are typically easy to pick out and appear frequently throughout the books.
- Erbliche Überlassung der Bauern- und Kossätenhöfe zu Redlin im Amte Körlin Vol. I
- Bauern- und Kossätenhöfe zu Redlin Vol. II
This collection has not been transcribed yet.
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