Sturmpanzer as a Tool to Navigate the National Archives

As previously mentioned, the National Archives (NARA) in College Park, Maryland holds a great deal of information to the family researcher. After World War II, captured German records were seized and microfilmed by the United States government. The problem, however, is not accessing the information. By now, most of the information contained within these documents have been declassified. The problem exists in sorting through all the information.
Sturmpanzer created an organized tool to navigate through the rolls. One can peruse through finding aids from NARA, look at photo albums which include war time photos, and find further information from primary sources about the political and cultural climate of the time.
The site’s resources look to be primarily devoted to understanding military-related information. However, there are also pages of finding aids that are certain to help the genealogist.
It also appears to be dedicated to the Sturmpanzer use and units within Hitler’s army. Documents can be found that go into great length about the unit, its history, and photographic evidence of its use in the war. One can also find intelligence reports, German manuals, and Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center interviews.
For an index to the NARA digitized microfilms, please see the NARA Index on Sturmpanzer’s website. It will denote which rolls are digitized and available, whether for purchase or for free.