This document is the hereditary farm for Herbert Voigt in Rarfin. It accompanies the pages for the Rarfin Grundbuch, Volume 3, Entry #3. Der Erbhof Nr. 2 Bd. I Bl. 3 (Herbert Voigt) In addition to containing information about the establishment of the Voigt property as a hereditary farm during the Nazi rule of Germany, […]

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This is the companion document to the Erbhof record for Otto Elert in Rarfin. While the full Grundbuch does not seem to have survived, this file contains the entries for the Elert farm dating back to the early 1800s, starting with Martin Friedrich Elert. This is directly from the Rarfin Grundbuch, Volume 1, Entry #2. […]

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While the original church book for this timespan in Belgard has not survived, the Schneider guild’s “Amts und Protokollbuch” contains two pages of marriage entries. For convenience, they have been linked below. Belgard Marriage Extracts from the Schneider Guild (1730-1764)

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These pages for the Erbhofrolle came directly from the Rarfin Grundbuch and stand as a testament to why searching through all land records for a village is of particular importance. The Grundbücher for Rarfin do not seem to exist anymore. The books cannot be found in the archives. However, this book has a section of […]

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This document contains documentation during the Nazi time for the inheritable farm of Otto Albert Berthold Elert and his wife Erna Emma Martha Grützmann in Rarfin. While certain other files have pages from the Grundbücher attached, this one does not. Other sources indicate that Otto was a Bürgermeister, Bauer and Bauerhofbesitzer, Schulz, and Kirchenvorsteher in […]

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This book lists the mortgages for the cottager’s property belonging to Johann Leopold Ehlert in Rarfin from July 23, 1821. It was then passed on to the cottager Johann Ehlert on June 6, 1848. The next descendant would be Carl Schlee, who married one of Johann’s daughters. The Elert family was well-known throughout Rarfin, and […]

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Having once worked there as a butcher prior to being drafted in the war, my cousin visited Schivelbein on his trip to Pommern in 1994. These are the pictures he took while there from the war memorial to St. Marienkirche, the Steintor, and city streets.

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This is the mortgage register for the Gerichtsmann Johann Voigt and his wife Abigail Perleberg in Rarfin from July 23, 1821 as the owner of the Bauerhof #3. Subsequently, the book contains documents relating to his son, the Bauer, Christian Friedrich Voigt with his wife Ernestine Radünz on February 22, 1842. Das Hypotheken-Wesen des Bauerhofes […]

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Last Updated on December 12, 2019 The Gutknecht family has historical roots in Podewils dating back to the 1600s. This study focuses on possibly related lineages from the areas near Podewils in Kreis Belgard. My interest in this family stems from my own Gutknecht lineage, albeit a short and difficult to trace branch of the […]

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These documents outline the process of immigration for people within former Kreis Schivelbein, occasionally referencing locations from the surrounding Kreise, including Belgard. Within these pages, hope is provided for people to trace the origins of their Pomeranian families who immigrated to the United States, Canada, and Brazil. Some surnames that can be found in these […]

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