Wurow Standesamt (Civil Registry) – Deaths 1907-1910

The Standesamt for Wurow covers the villages of Christinenhof, Prütznow, Rienow, Tarnow and Wurow. While the vast majority of civil registers for Stettin have been digitized and placed on the archive’s website, the Standesamt for Wurow remains to be completely digitized. The church book, “Die Kirchenbuchsduplicate von der Parochie Wurow, Prütznow, Grabow, Tarnow und Rienow,” has also been digitized for 1850-1864.
At the time of this publication, the archive in Szczecin has made the following available through Szukaj w Archiwach:
An overview to the full inventory can be viewed here.
Due to the archives limiting the number of books that could be requested each day, only the following four were digitized to help those researching find their ancestors.
Those with copies of other years are encouraged to contribute theirs to help build a complete collection.