The earliest mention of the Dworsky name in available records comes from the Blankenseesche Hufenklassifikation from 1717-1719. Here, the family is observed as farmers in Wendisch Karstnitz (also known in earlier texts as Wendisch Carstnitz or simply just Carstenitz). Martin, Michel, and Tomtz Dwuske, as it was transcribed, were Bauern in this village in Stolp […]

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For those with Pomeranian ancestry, rejoice! Ancestry has finally whittled down their matching estimates to more specific regions. What’s exciting about this update is the addition of Baltic States. It seems that Eastern European ancestry has been split apart into two separate groups that better define a person’s heritage. What’s changed? Users can opt to […]

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Ever wondered what’s in the Stettin archives? It’s been difficult to determine exactly what is stored in Szczecin unless you speak either German or Polish or have the money to hire a professional researcher. As always, my goal with this website is to help give you more control over how to research your family’s history. […]

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Are you curious about Prussian military records for Pomerania? There’s a reason they haven’t been added as a resource to My Pomerania. Unfortunately, most of the records of the Prussian army were destroyed when the Heeresarchiv in Potsdam was bombed in 1945. We’re talking about a lot of paper records and a very large fire. […]

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We have just updated our Pommern Database with entries from the Archiv für Innere Kolonisation from Rützow in Kreis Kolberg-Körlin. This list gives the names of early owners of the colony in Rützow in 1911 and the amount of land they owned on their Rentengüter (the word “Güter” here denotes large farms). Currently, the Archiv für […]

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While it is not uncommon to stumble upon people living into their nineties on occasion, discovering people who lived to be 100 or older is certainly met with surprise. This list is a compilation of submissions for people who were verified to have lived to be at least 90 years old. To qualify for this […]

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Emigration to the United States: A history of over 150 years Gramenz, West Pomerania This article is a re-posting from a website that is no longer online. It is believed to have originated from and was originally written by Cindy and David Johnson. An archived version of his website can be found here. The […]

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