Dworsky and Dawurske Family Tree and Surname Series

I began researching the Dworsky family in the summer of 2015 when a fellow researcher turned my attention to the Stolper Heimatkreise e.V.’s Globalindex. Feeling discouraged by my lack of findings–this was before many of the Standesamt records were indexed by the Pommerscher Greif’s Personendatenbank GreifXÂ and six months before the Koszalin Archives uploaded their digitized holdings, only to have them removed a month later–I typed my surname into the search box. One can imagine my surprise when about thirty results were returned with the name “Dewuske” in Stolp, many in the Stojentin parish.
This led me on a wild goose chase for the next three years as I desperately tried to find a link between my family tree and the people in Stojentin. I began tracing those people back to the Lupow parish, specifically in the villages of Wendisch Karstnitz and Rambow. When those in the earliest books did not match my ancestor, I had my grandfather spit in a tube and sent it in to Ancestry. I waited, hopeful that I would find somebody with a similar surname. When that came up empty, I tried Family Tree DNA at the highest match level; that turned up nothing. Not one single match.
Rather than leaving my research notes sit on a shelf, I thought I would share my findings to help other researchers who might be able to benefit and add on to my work. I’m still on a quest to find my origins. However, it would seem that my journey in Stolp has come to a close for the time being. The following is a collection of carefully researched facts about the Dworsky family whose earliest ties can be traced back to Wendisch Karstnitz.
- Dworsky: The Dawurske Surname from Stolp
- Dworsky Origins in Wendisch Karstnitz and Rambow
- The Lineage of Martin Dwurske
- The Small Family Tree of Paul Dworsky
- Gergen Dworsky’s Offspring: Burow, Droginskÿ, Farsbutter, Jarke, Kroll, Leisemann, Naß, Nofzen, Redsemm, Schröder, Zapp
- Hans and Hans: Two Dworsky Men with the same Sophia Nowcen?
- Albert Dawurske’s Family in Wisconsin
- Wilhelm Dawurske’s Family in New York: Bode, Gienke, Schramm, Yauchzi, and Zeh
- Loose Ends: Misplaced Scraps of the Dawurske Family Tree
- Dworsky Surname Distribution and Migration Patterns
This is one chapter in a ten-part series.
To read more about this surname study, please see the index to the entire series, "Dworsky and Dawurske Family Tree and Surname Series."