A large part of visiting the archives was to discover what information each type of record contains. The video below shows what can be found in church reparation documents. The book shown in the video is “Bauten und Reparaturen an den Kirchen-, Pfarr- und Schulgebäuden zu Belgard Vol I.” The pages inventory what is needed […]

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Lands records for Semerow, formerly of Kreis Schivelbein, begin in the Grundbücher starting in 1855 and go through 1944. A quick look shows that these surnames appear in these book are: Becker, Borchard, Böttcher, Braasch, Braun, Bugs, Colberg, Dallmann, Damerow, Dreblow, Friedrich, Gruchow, Haese, Hanke, Hohenstein, Jagow, Krause, Lilge, Meyer, Neumann, Plautz, Ponath, Rabenhorst, Roggenbuch, […]

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The charming neo-Gothic palace in Podewils is literally disappearing before our eyes. The following article was translated with permission from Zwiadowca Historii concerning the dilapidation of a once-beautiful former manor house in Pommern. It chronicles its history in Belgard to modern times as Podwilcze in Zachodniopomorskie. Unfortunately, this is not the only historical structure to […]

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Another one of my DNA matches led me back to Pommern with the name Kaske. Hopefully this historic family tree can help others as well. This study traces the lineage of Daniel Frederick Hermann Kaske, who was born Alt Lülfitz, Belgard and died in Spink, South Dakota. He was a blacksmith who immigrated to the […]

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While doing research, I noticed a DNA match on a side that is not in my tree. I traced the immigrating generation back to Pommern from the U.S. and noticed a pattern with some of the names and locations in the tree. I am of the opinion that the connection along this tree is to […]

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Membership records for the Belgard Schneider Guild can now be found in our Pommern Database. There are two collections that can be found by searching for the source. These are: Mitgleidesbuch der Schneidergesellen Brüderschaft zu Belgard (1773-1856) [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/11] Aufnahmebuch der Schneidergesellenbrüderschaft Belgard 1773-1856 [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/9] Both of these contain similar sets of data. However, it […]

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