I was recently given permission by Martin Bonneß to publish his family tree on My Pomerania. He was very excited to help other researchers with his work and for the possibility to connect with other family members. The earliest parts of his family tree come from Gandelin in Kreis Kolberg-Körlin around 1794. They would be […]

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After a long wait, the Pommerscher Greif has finally released its GreifX (also known as the Greif-Index from our previous coverage) database to the public. At first glance, the search function is quite intuitive. One can search for a person by birth, marriage, or death, and information about spouses and parents is readily available in the […]

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The Pommerscher Verein Freistadt annual celebration Pommerntag took place on June 24th this year, a beautiful warm and breezy day in Mequon, WI.  Visitors were treated to the best of North German cuisine, from red cabbage to herring.  And the singing and dancing by local club members of every age were phenomenal.  The decorations on […]

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Ever wondered what’s in the Stettin archives? It’s been difficult to determine exactly what is stored in Szczecin unless you speak either German or Polish or have the money to hire a professional researcher. As always, my goal with this website is to help give you more control over how to research your family’s history. […]

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Dear Cousins, I have been collecting family history for many years.  Until recently, most of the information that I found related to my Dad’s ancestors.  But now, in the past couple of years, I have made some breakthroughs on Mom’s side, and I’ve reached a point where it seems right to share them with you. […]

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A while back, I was informed that there were large numbers of German immigrants who settled in Missouri (with the Missouri Lutheran Synod, go figure, right?) I still lived in somewhat of a denial that many Pomeranian immigrants must have made their way there, believing that it must have been from other areas of Germany. […]

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We have just updated our Pommern Database with entries from the Archiv für Innere Kolonisation from Rützow in Kreis Kolberg-Körlin. This list gives the names of early owners of the colony in Rützow in 1911 and the amount of land they owned on their Rentengüter (the word “Güter” here denotes large farms). Currently, the Archiv für […]

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Looking for ways to connect with others who are researching in the same territories as you? Several Facebook groups currently exist for Pommern, and new ones seem to be cropping up more frequently. Here are just the ones we know about currently: Kolberger Lande is a dual-language English/German forum with representatives from both sides of the […]

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