A while back, I was informed that there were large numbers of German immigrants who settled in Missouri (with the Missouri Lutheran Synod, go figure, right?) I still lived in somewhat of a denial that many Pomeranian immigrants must have made their way there, believing that it must have been from other areas of Germany. […]

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We have just updated our Pommern Database with entries from the Archiv für Innere Kolonisation from Rützow in Kreis Kolberg-Körlin. This list gives the names of early owners of the colony in Rützow in 1911 and the amount of land they owned on their Rentengüter (the word “Güter” here denotes large farms). Currently, the Archiv für […]

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Looking for ways to connect with others who are researching in the same territories as you? Several Facebook groups currently exist for Pommern, and new ones seem to be cropping up more frequently. Here are just the ones we know about currently: Kolberger Lande is a dual-language English/German forum with representatives from both sides of the […]

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The Historic Riding Hall in Eutin has been the home of the Neustettin Heimatmuseum since 1992. After twenty-six years, that chapter has come to a close. For many, this feels like a second expulsion as the museum has served to keep the memory of the former Pomeranian Kreis Neustettin alive. With the renovation of the […]

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Membership records for the Belgard Schneider Guild can now be found in our Pommern Database. There are two collections that can be found by searching for the source. These are: Mitgleidesbuch der Schneidergesellen Brüderschaft zu Belgard (1773-1856) [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/11] Aufnahmebuch der Schneidergesellenbrüderschaft Belgard 1773-1856 [Szczecin 65/233/0/2/9] Both of these contain similar sets of data. However, it […]

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What is the Pommern Database? I conceived the idea to create this database early in the summer of 2016. At that time, there was no central database for searching. Pieces were fragmented all over the internet. The Pommerscher Greif had not yet introduced their “Quellensuche” to see what vital records are still available. Little by […]

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When looking for my family on online genealogy web sites, I often find that people are listing that my Pomeranian ancestors are from the village of Pommern, Cochem-Zell, Rheinland-Pfalz. I have copies of the church books from the town where my Pomeranians came from and they are NOT from Pommern, Cochem-Zell, Rheinland-Pfalz. The lesson to […]

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The Database for Family History in Pomerania The Pommerndatenbank, the Database for Family Research (Genealogy) in Pomerania, is an online database covering all of Pomerania which was compiled for people researching their ancestors. It can be found at pommerndatenbank.de. Gunthard Stübs maintains the Pommerndatenbank and the three different databases within it. His Pomeranian ancestry makes […]

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Pommern Podcast
Pommern Podcast
#002 Why You Should Verify Place Names (Podcast)

Learn about different places in Pommern with the same names and other confusing and frequently mixed-up locations. This podcast will give you the tools to verify your ancestor’s place of origin, also explaining why it is so important to take a few extra minutes to look into the accuracy of your information. Transcript: Hey, welcome […]

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It comes with a heavy heart to announce that a number of websites and genealogical resources have fallen prey to the ill-conceived European GDPR law. While in theory, the notion of embracing a transparent privacy policy is something much needed. However, the GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a gross overreach of the Orwellian […]

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